Why cant maintenance wait?

Why cant the maintenance wait till Tuesday? We pay for a live game and its down for maintenance every other day for hours???


gotta get them bugs for a smoother experience

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They gotta fix the stuff they broke in the last maintenance


I agree…My days off are Wednesdays and Thursdays lol boo.


The game has huge bugs currently out live that need to be fixed

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Because they don’t want public betas anymore. Too many spoilers ruining the experience of finding out whats broken when the game goes live. :roll_eyes:


It’s the morning time. Go to waffle house and eat some breakfast then come back. Everything will be fine


I hope they fix the bug where I turn a quest in then have to walk away and come back to get the next quest lol


who cares we are at work

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There’s a couple of quest chains for lore master that aren’t even showing up for me.
The one called Skolzgal Brotherhood and some other one in Arathi. I hope they fix that.

There are probably more exploits they are having to fix.

Would be nice if they could fix some of the bugs like “landed on a rock too hard, so enjoy this DC”.

Or I hit a sky riding ability into a rock by accident and that also lead to a DC.


I see your waiting for the Judgement HD set XD

Lots of time zones that aren’t you

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Or do it at 12 - 3AM when no one is on.

Make those responsible for all the flaws have to work odd hours and Id bet this stuff stops. I bet it gets done right the first time.


OMG I thought this was a me problem. HAHAHA this is what has been happening to me AND that one quest kill the kabolds take dynamite and blow up tunnels. I can kill kabolds I can even get the bombs, but then I go to blow up tunnel I watch the dynamite as it goes in but nothing happens, this has been on three toons so far and now I just don’t care.


That has to be the most annoying of them lol, Felt like I was the only one it was happening to.

I’ll mail you the eight cents.

That’s what I asked my dog this morning. “Why couldn’t you wait?” We were coming back from picking up breakfast from Wendy’s when she pooped in my Jeep. Grrrrrr. The only thing worse than that is logging on finding that the WoW maintenance crew are screwing up the game…again.

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For me maintenance is from 9am - 1pm lmfaooo

How else would they leech game time?

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