Why cant maintenance wait?

Hopefully they finally fix quest NPC interaction. Been a bug for a while. Seems mainly on campaign quests.

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So eat your breakfast slowly

Iā€™ll make sure to eat my lunch slowly as wellā€¦ >_>

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Donā€™t worry. Thereā€™ll be maintenance on Tuesday as well.

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Thatā€™s a 20 year old bug. I wouldnā€™t get your hopes up.

I agree, why donā€™t they do maintenance on a night shift. A few people work nights to allow the millions to play uninterrupted during the day.

Is it? I feel like it only started just happening in s4 of DF


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I took my cat to a specialist vet last year and since it was a longer car ride than normal I had his carrier open a bit so I could pet him. He climbed out, something heā€™d never even been slightly interested in in the car. I thought it was super cute that he wanted to be on my lap and we were almost home so I wasnā€™t too worried.

Then he pooped on me. And I was so happy it was a ā€œnormalā€ poop after all weā€™d been through that my crazy cat lady self still thought it was cute lmao.

Also Iā€™d assumed todayā€™s maintenance was quick so I came to the computer to finish the campaign and got upset itā€™s scheduled until the time I have to leave for work so now you all have to hear my story about my cat pooping on me in the car.


EXACTLY!!! Now thereā€™s nothing for me to do while Iā€™m here at workā€¦ except WORK!!!

I come to work so I can play WoW in Peaceā€¦ w/o the wife and kids pestering me :slight_smile:

Swing shift says hi.

3+ maintenance days a week is the new normal. ā€œItā€™s always been this badā€ or some bs like that.


Erm aktualy :nerd_face::point_up:

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You do remember that Blizzard is played around the world so there is alway someone on and someone impacted by an outage.

As to why there is an outage, Blizzard is making a much needed fix to the Earhen. They are fixing bug with one of its racials so that the race is actually playable.

I donā€™t knowā€¦ Why canā€™t you wait?

Gotta love how every one of the 4 new features this expansion has been completely broken. As if, I donā€™t know, new features should be tested before release.

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Because that would be dumb. This many issues cannot just be piled up and all fixed on season launch while hoping the changes didnā€™t cause other problems.

You said it you pay for a live service game and thatā€™s exactly what this is.

Til Tuesday. Always liked that band. Had bit of a crush on Aimee Mann.

Right? These servers are most NA, which means servers are down from 9-1PM EDT and 7-11PDT when most people are at work/in school anyways.

I know there are oceanic and Aussie people here, and people who donā€™t work 9-5s M-F, but . . . sorry mates, youā€™re the minority

Game is going down on someoneā€™s prime time, during the typical work day affects the fewest people


Itā€™s 2 AM here, I should be in bed.

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