Why can't Legion content be soloed if fresh 60

There is nothing wrong with playing Alliance. It’s the developer’s fault for making them unattractive.


Pure contrarian.


It’s old content… that no one is progressing in and isn’t a part of the current game. If we’re going to go down that path, then I expect them to actually try to re-make the bosses and build in scaled character sets to take them on as they actually were. If we’re not going to be actually putting effort into this content… then don’t arbitrarily decide how “challenging” it has to be. Just make it soloable for the collectors and move on with your day. Don’t worry, you still have current expac Mythic raids as your challenging content.

And this is coming from someone who killed all those bosses when they were in their prime.


So, I’m 240 ilvl and in my combo burst/sustain setup as demo, I am able to fully clear all Legion Mythic raids though they take a while.

I speak this for Mythic versions of these raids, I don’t worry to farm normal or heroic

Now, it seems most of the boss abilities either “miss” me, are “absorbed” by my fleshcraft shield, or just flat out do no damage. The ONLY boss I can die to is Mythic Argus the Unmaker in his final mythic only phase…I have to pop Healthstone, Mortal Coil and use Drain Life as needed.

In my conclusion, take it for what it is, is that the bosses do much less, if any, damage to us…BUT we do NOT appear to do any additional damage to them which is what makes them still hard to us. Some of these fights I never go below 99% health but take me 5+ minutes to kill because I don’t get any damage modifiers in Legion raids like I do in prior exp raids…all of my abilities hit for their normal damage like they would to a SL mob.

Mythic Eonar, was the pinnacle of challenge though to solo…you have to be pinpoint accurate with your execution to meet the timers(basically the big droids at the doors because they will quickly destroy her) and you must trigger her aoe to kill adds right before going into paraxus portal and if you don’t have hyper mobility you have to be quick and precise to destroy the crystals in the ship fast enough to get out before it wipes you(literally I have like 2 seconds if that of “error” time)…then have to glide and kill the bottom bot before it wipes you…then just fly to mid and kill kill kill and ignore the paraxus spam…kill enough adds and she will live and you will win…you MUST do paraxus once though I don’t have super mobility as a warlock, no blink or such spells, so the timing inside the paraxus is intense.

Mythic Eonar took me no joke 1.5-2hrs of practice to get right, the timing is THAT critical…got ticked the first night and alt f4, logged in and tried the next day and got it in 15 minutes.

Edit: due to the non damage increase to our abilities, most of these bosses in all legion mythic raids were just tedious and time consuming…a total bore and a chore to get through…Mythic Eonar on the other hand, was actually a VERY fun(although frustrating at times) fight to practice and perfect…it was a challenge…a huge one. It reminded me of the old mage towers and the warlock green fire boss when they were both current…had to practice to perfect them to win. I like those challenges though, maybe it’s just me. I look forward to the mage tower resurgence and the challenge that awaits

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It honestly shouldn’t take this much effort and gear to solo content that’s 2 expansions and 5 years old. It’s just dev spite on full display.


I don’t think it’s spite. More likely there are just more pressing matters to attend to first.

It’s such a simple fix that can be done on a weekly reset. All they have to do is increase player damage by a large multiplier when in Legion raids. They’ve just flat out refused to do it. They KNOW the players have been wanting it since the start of SL and we’ve gotten nothing.

It definitely feels like spite at this point.


… but you want to make it or keep it hard for people to earn things from non-timewalking outdated content?.. :thinking:

The raid content is doing just fine. New or Old.

If your worried about old raid content being “descerated”, then ask for a timewalking raid that keeps the spirit and challenge of it, while the rest of the people can just go in and solo it for mogs and such pretty easliy. Best of all, it won’t affect you. :open_mouth: :open_hands: :rainbow:


Spite is correct. They can fix this in 2 sec, they don’t even need to any coding, just re-use the code used on the older raids and bam its done but the current lead won’t ever do this. He think raiding is for the Elites!!


Here, I have a 5-year-old cracked iPhone that barely holds a charge. How about you pay me the same price I paid for it 5 years ago when it was brand new? I’d hate to just give it away for free, because, you know, people should earn things.


Blizzard is just anti-fun and now the chocobos are coming home to roost.


I know i m wasting my time by hoping they will fix it in 9.2 .
Just hanging in there knowing it wont get better until next expansion but hey everyone needs something to hold onto :slight_smile:

it wasnt hard. we killed it in under a minute.

I mean this isn’t really a surprise is it?

There was a massive post about scaling changes back in 7.1.5 and how it had a similar impact on world bosses.

Namely you needed to be max level to kill Sha of Anger (for example) or else he would mind control you.

Blizzard did nothing. You basically had to wait it out for 8.0 and cap all your toons.

Tin foil hat, but I still think they did it to force people to upgrade to newest xpac.


Not really. Once Shadowlands ends it will be two full xpacs ago (Shadowlands and BFA) as Legion finished with ABT, not EN.

Personally I’m in the boat that you should be able to easily solo the corresponding raid tier from the second previous expansion once the current corresponding one has ended. However given that Shadowlands will most likely only have 3 raid tiers, that might be a problem. Legion technically had 3 (EN, ToV and NH are counted as the one “tier”). So that is EN, ToV, NH / ToS / ABT. So basically when 9.2 starts and we get the catch up gear from that ToS should be easily soloable for casual players in my eyes. This way it “maintains” the two expansion gap.

Also keep in mind that the legacy damage buff is based on the level difference. I can remember some bosses in ToT were annoying to solo during early Legion. Which is why I loved the arms artifact fearing the Council of Elders boss.

Well you know what, i’m glad you killed it under a minute. Maybe if you get up to 300+ ilvl, you would sneeze and all the bosses in the raid will cry in fear from you and toss you a loot shower even. I am seriously glad for you. :+1:

But just because you didn’t have any trouble, that doesn’t mean the problem is gone for the rest of people or it goes away once you geared up. Gearing all it does is sort of mitigate the problem, not actually solve it. Especially considering most of the classes and specs aren’t built to DPS quickly down or have good Survivability.

Again, this isn’t a skill or gear issue on the players, this is a design issue on how legacy content is being handled. And it wouldn’t affect you at all if it’s fixed so it can be more solo friendly for everybody else. Something i also think you kind of miss the point of appeal of doing the old raids; solo’ing it to get the loot out of there.

If there is a Toy that you can buy with timewalking badges that 100X your damage and survivbility, and gives 200% movement speed while running old raids and dungeons, or whatever is deemed “legacy”, then i can see how your earning argument can hold weight.


i dislike when others tell me what affects me and what doesn’t.

Well sorry you dislike it buddy, but objectively speaking, it doesn’t affect you if the old raids are made more easier to solo. :man_shrugging:

If anything, you would actually benefit from it too. Everybody wins in that regard. …Why it’s a negative in your mind?.. Were not asking for the current raids to be easy…


Hes a beautiful boy.


if only

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it doesn’t affect me if they stay the way they are either.

that’s why your rude argument is unnecessary.