Why cant I transfer residial memories from main to other toons?

Trying to transfer my residual memories to my other toons to get them gear but game wont let me ?

ALso to those saying buy gear on your main its only giving me armor types for my toon

Click the drop-down menu in the top right corner and switch from your class to All Classes.

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there should be a tab that says whatever your class is at the top right, click that and change it to all specializations and you will see every gear for every armor type as well as weapons

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You can only transfer currency TO the character you’re logged into, it’s weird I know. Login to your alt to transfer the currency.

On the vendor change the drop down to show all classes.

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Maybe worth mentioning:
This behavior DOES mean you have to have earned some of the currency already on the character you’re wanting to transfer more to. Because if you haven’t earned the currency yet, it will not show up in your currency tab, and therefore you cannot access the transfer menu for it.

So for the sake of Radiant Echoes, you have to go to one of the zones and slap something (or complete an objective) so it shows up, then you can pull more from your other characters to that character.


Just rem to leave 1 currency on the characters you take from if you want to transfer back again later, otherwise they need to go earn 1 again as it dissappears from your list (at least it did before reset).


You can do the transfer from the character you want to receive the currency.

This. You can buy everything on one character. And it’s all warbound until equipped so you can freely mail it around to your alts.

Mailing is no longer necessary with the bank.

For the most part I think the way the transfers work is perfect. In that you grab the currency on the character you want it on, rather than sending it to them. But they have overlooked the fact that you need some of the resource on that toon first in order to grab it! They need to fix that.

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Depends on where your alts are parked and whether they have easy access to a bank or not. I find it easier to mail stuff rather than have to take both toons to the bank. Mailboxes are usually outside where you can mount, and banks are usually inside where you get dismounted.

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The transfer tab for me is gone completely and I know I have both currency on the character i am trying to take it from, so i think its broken


Its gone for me as well.


Apparently currency transfering has been temporarily disabled:

Hopefully it will be enabled again soon.

-12 days (8 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

:meat_on_bone::crocodile: :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


trasnfer currency is Disabled

Someone posted same time link is above this post

same here… and I know how to do it.

As I am typing this reply, there is no button to transfer currency between toons in warband. At least I can’t see it. I have logged, restarted my comp, reloaded ui multiple times, and still no button.

I’ve been moving mine around as needed through the “transfer” option. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Pretty sure that is the plot of a science fiction IP and would be copywrite infringement. We’d all end up in jail. Nice job alternate universe you. This universe you can stop it from happening here. It’s up to you.

“Here are the costs to purchase each tab in the Warband Bank: First tab: 1,000 gold. Second tab: 25,000 gold. Third tab: 100,000 gold. Fourth tab: 500,000. Fifth tab: 2,500,000 Aug 6, 2024”