Why cant I transfer residial memories from main to other toons?

Not right now you havent bc its disabled lol blizzard disabled it

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Oh. Well then. lol Yeah, I was able to do it just fine a day or two ago. I just assumed it was still working. Guess I assumed incorrectly.

yep me too. I came here to see if anyone knew why.

Noticed this myself after trying to transfer memories from an alt. Glad it’s not just an issue on my end.

Blizzard has disabled the feature that allows Transfers of RM and other things from the Currency tab now
apparently players were duping the RM to get tons of it to buy the gear and then sell said gear to vendor for gold and maxing out their gold amounts on each character
go thank those players for this issue now not Blizzard

So you’re too lazy to have done 2 world quests to earn 1k for 1 tab.

This is 100% completely and utterly you being stubborn and silly.

This was the oddest/worst part, I wanted to instantly transfer some BFA resources but I had to earn some first. Minor inconvenience but still

I literally posted nothing but a fact source with no context and you couldn’t help yourself- you absolutely had to come with the baseless insults. :joy:

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This! It’s driving me insane lol

The cooldown for the Warband Bank Distance Inhibitor ability is not account wide.

Each character has their own cooldown.

You literally quoted me son, so dont claim “no context”, you posted this to say “yes there is a cost to use warbank” as if its a gate to the players when its not.

Now you’re offended I called you out on it lol, and liked your own post

Kids these days.

lol tf is wrong with you. Take your meds. I’m as old as your failed parents btw.