well your wrong. I think there might still be some old youtube vids of us running bgs with og gms as twinks back in 04-05. twinking absolutely is not an exploit…
I wish there was a way to lose exp, then I wouldn’t care to have it turned on.
If twinking was so common, you’d think you would have NO ISSUE in finding queues.
horde doesn’t have the numbers of twinks as alliance… which is understandable.
When their was no restriction I saw twinks all day in BGs and had fun when the enemy team had a couple cause the twinks on my team knew to look out for them and take them out. Now we just have a couple classes in each BG that are unfairly balanced that kill people without gear.
Not how it works.
As to OP, it sucks but your way of playing the game has been… well frankly it has been shattered. It won’t change, and the only way you will feel it again is to, unfortunately, play Classic and re grind things.
Others have given you valid reasons and you refuse to accept them.
You were whining earlier about max level characters one shotting you and yet you can’t accept you are doing exactly the same to non-twinks.
There is no fun in being one-shotted is there? You refuse to see or accept this basic fact.
One-shotting weaklings is cowardly, boring as hell and pointless. What are you trying to prove?
Non-twinks get slaughtered (and you know it) which means
-> new players get frustrated -> abandon BGs -> PvP suffers
-> new players get frustrated -> subs lost
-> alt levelers -> screw this -> BGs/PvP suffers
It kinda sounds like maybe MMORPGs aren’t for you.
Twinks only queue with twinks. There are not enough in that bracket. That is why
You were having fun the wrong way, Blizzard saved you from yourself.
it kind of sounds like you don’t understand MMORPGs.
One person’s fun at the expense of 9+ others. You’re kind of showing why Blizzard doesn’t want twinks with other players with these statements. And bgs are structured to try and make PvP closer to fair than what it is in world PvP.
the twinks hate other twinks
we can not maintain a community
Stop making false smears. Twinks do not hate eachother and the community is fine… Its quite obvious that you made that guild to act like a twink but you are a troll… /es-mx/character/us/quelthalas/Blitzen
They have higher priority because there are more of them. Can’t feed the majority to the minority and expect a healthy game. A couple of alternatives are:
- Twinks organize events for their respective brackets.
- The power difference between player types is minimized through gear normalization and twinks are allowed back into the regular queues.
I think once 120’s reach ilvl 385 they should be indefinitely banned from battlegrounds so the 285s wont get booboos
I don’t think I’ve seen people as delusional and entitled as twinks are. This is seriously bad.
It’s just a troll. I know some people suck that bad but these guys seem to revel in their own crapulence.
Twinks said they wanted to only fight other twinks (proven false)
Twinks said there are enough of them so that at all brackets they can have constant matches (proven false)
Twinks asked to be able to fight other twinks (and were given that)
Twinks asked to be able to turn off XP (and were given that).
The fact that Twinks getting what they wanted (XP off and fighting only other twinks) proved that twinks did not want to fight only other twinks and that the population of them is so small that they can’t maintain BGs running was just a bonus.