I decided to start playing WoW again a couple weeks ago and notice my queue times for my Level 69 Warrior that I have level capped never happens? Whats the point in restricting a character that you gear out in BiS in no longer having any PvP action to go participate? I pay for the game just like everyone else but don’t enjoy the 120 content? Even at max level a new player is at a huge disadvantage over the people who have been playing BFA since release? How is it fair that those geared players ruin my pvp experience to get better gear but I can’t do the same in my level bracket? Why is PvP now about leveling and not a game mode to go play around in? People played random battlegrounds when you didn’t get exp? This is why more people play on Private servers blizzard? Cause you guys only focus on rushing people to a grinding hamster wheel instead of letting people enjoy the game their own way. I just want to play at lower levels cause its fun and once you get geared you can experience a dynamic pvp game instead of a grinding pvp season with elitist jerks.
Don’t twink at weird levels. Nobody else plays in that bracket.
I wanted to is the point. But blizzard forces me to only play their way.
Maybe start a group and …
Twinking is not Blizzards way.
Blizzard just wants you on a hamster wheel is what it feels like.
Blizzard has nothing to do with how many people queue up in a bracket. There is literally no one else queueing at level 69, how can they make a PvP match happen with just one person in the queue? Choose a more popular bracket if you want to have opponents.
its a 60-69 bracket?
This is a twink saying this, without Irony.
No one cares, Twink.
Nope, Blizzard doesn’t want the average player to join a random bg only to get steamrolled by twinks.
If you won’t even play with each other what does that tell you.
Man up and put regular gear on and join honest bg’s like most others.
God mode is for losers.
Twinks were 2 shotting people and the complaints stacked up. They weren’t fun to fight at all.
So? undergeared players joining Bgs to level have more priority cause they are leveling?
Yes and twinks ruined the chance to win and get more XP. Exactly. Their priority is people leveling to get endgame content, not lose and rage quit cause of twinks.
But they offer a level 110 boost now so skip ahead and buy it if you can’t handle leveling? What are scaling quests and scaling dungeons not enough exp for players?
Not everyone wants or has the ability to spend $60 to 110. Some people don’t wanna level through PVE, they wanna level through PVP.
So just cause you want to level doing a competitive bg I have to have a virtually non existent queue time because I don’t want to level?
Ha ha you can’t tie my record for PvP 100% win.
24 hk lol…
Twink 115-9 one of them…
Here’s proof of this, 2 trinkets both 50% XP bonus from bgs.
Well, clearly, CLEARLY the way you have fun and enjoy the game is WRONG according to the devs.