Why can't I play random BGs on my Level 69 twink?


what ignorant reply. Because leveling has sped up x50 and higher xp in battlegrounds. your going to shame someone for wanting to slow down. you guys are truly sick in the head. beyond toxic. yet you will pat yourself on the back for your virtue signaling your forum buddies while being completely unaware of how hypocritical you are.

  1. Leveling in BGs has been a significantly inefficient way to level for a very long time

  2. You don’t get to chose who can level or not. Even worse for your bad argument, you’re helping other people level even faster! Think a little before you say dumb things.


So you’re agreeing leveling in BGs is an inefficient way to level. Then why split off players who are level capped from normal random battlegrounds who want to have fun?

Why can’t you use paragraphs like everyone else instead of blinding us all into oblivion with a wall of text or critting us like an elitist jerk?

Why i ask, why?

:cheese: :wine_glass:

Some people like it anyways and prefer to BG level even though questing is actually more efficient. Some people hate questing and love BGs. As well as the fact they get honor as they level.