Why can't I play random BGs on my Level 69 twink?

I find it more fun than locking my XP at a random level in the hopes of repeatedly killing others that have no chance against me. At least in a raid I risk dying.

But, who cares, play how you want. Just don’t expect others in BGs to be fodder for you.


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It’s a player vs. player environment? How is that any different then someone ganking you because you have PvP enabled ?

Why do you keep making bad analogies like it was a huge revelation

It’s like you expect to turn on PvP but want to be treated fairly?

XP off characters only get matched with other XP off characters now, so the queue never pops because there aren’t enough people queueing at level 69 with XP off.

You’ve lost the right to talk about fairness a long time ago when you even complained about geared max levels, of which you refuse to do.

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Twinks should que with twinks simple as that. Nobody leveling wants to deal with twinks. The fact that the twink que is empty is very telling. Seems like the majority don’t want an even matched fight. If they can’t steam roll others and two shot them they don’t want to play.


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I don’t want fairness? I want a queue to actually pop?

Then don’t twink. It’s easy.

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So just don’t enjoy the game how I want to? Be restricted because people want to be treated fairly in low level bgs? When its a pvp environment? They should just remove BoA players from doing BGs then because they are overpowered too right? up against new players with crappy gear?

Sounds like a great idea

I don’t expect PvP to be exactly fair; but a twink in a regular BG is basically the same as a level 120 ganking a level 30 player, their opponent never stood a chance.

If you want to twink, look up the community for your bracket and see what times they get groups going.

Unless your fun just comes from killing players that have no chance against you, instead of actually having to fight and risk dying yourself.

This is close, but a rat in an operant conditioning chamber is closer

kind of like 425+ characters smashing 285’s in bgs? I mean fair is fair after all.

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Twinking is an unapproved playstyle, and all unapproved playstyles will be eliminated.

Devs don’t really care how many subscribers they lose when they make changes to the game that have caused many millions to unsubscribe since the wod flight debacle.

They had to get rid of twinking because people were twinking at 110+ instead of playing nonexistent BfA content, so that option needed to be removed. And indeed, the first time they announced they were ending 110+ twinking that was the reasoning they gave.

And besides, they need to train people not to care about gear while leveling, because if you train people not to give a damn about gear, they’ll totally care about it when they reach 120.

Not caring about gear while leveling appears to be part of their devious plan to increase participation in elite max level content.

Now if it was MY game, I’d want as many people to play as possible. I guess they figure with as few players as possible the game will be stronger.

Exactly I care about my gear at a low level and I’m punished for doing so. I am an overpowered player because I got the gear required to gank players who didn’t think about gearing themselves? Seems fair?

That’s not how the game works and you know this. Stop pretending that twinking is normal and gearing like one is normal. Most people just level up and get past this problem you are “facing”

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Twinking was normal since vanilla until devs announced it had always been an exploit. And the peanut gallery naturally agreed and has been working hard to change history ever since.

World pvp is a joke, pvp in general is basically a joke, and I used to think people who set themselves up to get ganked were the punchline - but now I’m thinking people who spend a million years gearing themselves up to pvp in dead content are the punchline.