Why can't I play random BGs on my Level 69 twink?


Sure it did.

Twinks enjoy the game a different way from the hamster wheel the game has become towards leveling and gearing up. Sorry I don’t enjoy repeating content over and over just to carry someone and watch them get better gear than me?

I don’t think you understand how sad it is to everyone else what you are admitting.

Not only do you twink, but you also feel bad because you can’t 1 shot people anymore AND you had someone carry you for gear. You didn’t even do it yourself, that’s pathetic.

But you enjoy playing the same BGs over and over again? A whole 7 or so of them?


A battle ground doesn’t repeat. Their is numerous outcomes that can happen and it changes every round. Maybe the team ganks me in the beginning and all my gear is pointless because they have the equivalent BoA gear as mine? Maybe I am able to stomp a fews guys while carrying the flag? No different then what the experience is like at max level? So you want to spend 30mins in a BG just to get half a level when you can almost do two dungeons and level almost twice? If you are trying to level maybe not do PVP??? PvE is their for a reason? When they brought leveling into PvP it killed everyone who just wanted to not worry about constantly grinding for new gear and just pvp at the lower brackets

No one is forcing you to level.

You want to be a twink, be a twink.

Just don’t expect to get to stomp on those leveling to have your fun.


Twinking is similar to those guys who focus on doing Mythic raiding when only less than 1% of the population actually achieves it? But blizzard pours some much resources in making content for them? When 99% of the player base doesn’t even kill the last boss of the raid on mythic until the next expansion when its cheese mode?

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH that is so far from being accurate. Mythic raiding is far more difficult than twinking will ever be, stop kidding yourself.


How many mythic bosses have you killed before the next patch?

oh dear… this thread… hahahaha

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Seriously no one has given me a valid reason for me not to be able to do Random BGs on a level capped toon? I enjoy the game differently than you so I should be punished?

Except mythic raiding is hard.

Twinking, once you get the gear, is faceroll easy.

Anyone can twink, not everyone can mythic raid.

How can you not? Just join a queue

He’s just mad he has to wait to play with other twinks who may actually stand a chance instead of annihilating those who don’t stand a chance.


Exactly everyone can do it, so why aren’t you? Its easy and fast to get into it and enjoyable? Mythic raiding is done by the most hardcore players who no life the game and I just want to get on and do something I know everyone else can do just like me? Mythic raiding is such a long hall with rewards being virtually pointless in the next patch. Why should I do something that’s pointless?

Because it’s boring and pointless


Pretty much this.

I find it boring, so I don’t.

But repeating the same raid over and over again for no rewards at max level is fun?

Once again you show that you know nothing about the game.

Sorry, but no one cares, you get no sympathy.

This was a good change that lets new players try out PvP without dealing with people like you.

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Played during legion and did the Burning throne 3 weeks in a row on heroic and didn’t get any upgrades and wasted 4 hours of my day each time?