Why can't I play random BGs on my Level 69 twink?

Oh yeah don’t get me started want to level between 110 and 120 doing Bgs you can forget about it cause 110 twinks will steam roll you and that’s perfectly okay

Ya, but you were twinking, so no one cares, that’s like bragging about smashing 115 ants.


blizzard killed twinking in wow you cant bg with others if you have exp off that have exp turned on.

they killed twinking.

What they killed was carrying. The Afk drowns/bots. Why do you think they took out the venders?

Those trinkets are bs cause getting them is impossible cause a max level character will come through during the event and kill you just cause they want to.

So use a max level character of your own to get it? They add to your account forever and can be made on any toon afterwards, including new alts.

Why do you expect sympathy for getting one shotted by someone you don’t stand a chance against?

You are TWINK. You want to one shot noobs who don’t stand a chance.


That’s hella rich. Twink complaining about geared characters, while being at the max level of a bracket and using a full set of twink gear.


A fully geared toon that has the trinket already will just come to steamroll you. I’ve tried multiple times to get it.

Twinking still happens and is cheaper/easier than before. Drop a few k on the low level BiS enchants and heirlooms and roll a new character. With enchant procs you will be one shotting people.

I played a 20-29 bracket EotS that was a total stomp. A balance druid went 37-0 because moonfire and sunfire were enough to 100-0 the nontwinks.

You don’t get the point, at all levels of the game you can expect to get steam rolled by max geared players? Why should it be any different for random battle grounds? I can’t enjoy the game just like those guys murdering people on their main? So I should be forced to level up just to get ganked by geared no-lifers?

That’s true, that’s why you gotta git gud and win. Or be cheap and use stealth in the corner as a feral/rogue, wait for last person in there to finish and then gank em hard.

Pvp while leveling has been a lot more fun, just my point of view as a normal leveler person. I’ve been in way more close matches than before. Sorry :neutral_face: I know it is fun to kill people really easy in bg and rack up points too (I’ve done it won’t lie, got lucky or something with a op class at a certain level type of thing) but it isn’t really great when you can’t do anything at all even if you and your group tries hard.

Who is stopping you from leveling to max and gearing a level 120? Also you don’t have any ground to call anyone a “No-lifer” while twinking.


There is so much delicious irony in every post you’ve made, but I’ll just single out this one. It probably took those “no-lifers” less time to put together their gear than it did for you to twink out that character with 2340289352 sockets.


Check out XPOff com. You might be able to find out a time to run BGs with other lvl 69 players, there’s probably a channel where they set up brackets.

Took me 3 days? To get all the gear?

Extreme case of doubt.

Maybe dont twink? Twinks bring zero contribution to the game/community and only bring a negative experience to new players and those who are trying to level alts through pvp…
stop… get some help…

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I had a friend carry me and get the gear when I hit level 69 and wanted to mess around. Why should I be forced to level?