The return of Twinking?

I have no problem farming gear i need to be competitive at max level. At low levels I just want to level (as that is the point of the game) and take breaks from leveling by playing some PVP.

then quit complaining about not being competitive when you arent willing to try as hard as your competition.

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And where am I complaining ? I’m stating facts that twinks are bullies and have no place in WoW and if Blizzard can find a way to get rid of them it will improve the Classic playerbase 10000% (add xp to BGs with no way to turn it off would be best)

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subjective opinion, not fact.

Understand that most of the player base does whatever they want and dont want to be told they can’t do something in a game. half of the old crowd left because of overly vocal snowflakes who cry until blizz gives them what they want. that’s a big part of why we have the game as it is.


you are stating your misinformed bias.

If twinks were there to only kill lowbies, then why did they start back up in MoP when scaling was half way decent?

look at my 4k hks ona level 24 made in mop and I played him like 3 months in between raids, rbgs, and arena on my multiple mains.

queues were popping off in xp off bgs in mop

And yet there is a thread currently from today on the General Discussion forums complaining that they can’t get XP off BGs to pop and are upset they can’t go into regular BGs to roll undergeared players.

Sorry but every twink post ever from the beginning of WoW is them trying to find an excuse to overpower others and be bullies.

oh look another one complaining as can’t get XP off BGs.


I havent played since wod so I have no clue what is going on today, but look at my hks…this was way after xp off.

the fact is cata killed twinking with big scaling issues. wotlk was some of the best twinking with seperate bgs.

i have no clue what the issue is today but it probably was another scaling issue because they have made a lot of weird changes that affected low level play.

i popped on a trial in bfa and low level was awful just leveling.

oh there is the issue.

Level 69.

I dont think level 69 ever had a twink population.

19s 29s and 39s were the main ones. a little 49s, but i dont think they had enough following to withstand the xp off.

so yeah, twinking may be dead at 69 because it never really was a thing and no wonder he cant get a queue

Or hey, the many other threads complainging:

Sorry but all those threads all come down to the same thing, Twinks have no want for fair PvP and only want to steamroll others.


The point he is making is that he is segregated, isolated from the majority of the community because of a choice he made for his character. in earlier iterations of the game he wouldnt have been segregated, and there was no need to because pvp didnt grant exp.

PVP should NEVER grant exp. That was a huge mistake on blizz’ part, because now it’s encouraging people to just pvp to level cap, rather then pvp BECAUSE PVP IS FUN.

There was a large part of the PvP community (the ones that actually matter , not the twinks) that wanted a way to level using PvP as they were not fans of raiding and doing quests.

The fact that it broke twinks was just a bonus side effect.


sigh you’re the sort of player that ruined this game.

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if you just want xp off, i am fine with that in classic even though I know they wont do that.

lets be honest.

Low level PVP will be way better than end game within 2 years because end game 60 will have twinks in raid gear that you cant get unless you want to raid.

at least at 19 if you want to compete it takes about a day to make a toon. A fresh 60 in 2 years will be cannon fodder the same you were in 19s.

So, twinking will happen, and the funny thing is I bet those who complained so much about 19 twinks will be at 60 in raid gear destroying people and thinking nothing about it.

So if you want xp off, then you should want raid gear seperate bgs where if you have a certain ilvl you cant wreck my 60 non raid gear toon. you can sit and wait on your raid gear on bg to pop

Even in full Naxx gear vs a Level 60 in blues is not going to one shot him like a level 19 twink does to a level 14 who wants to just do a BG to break up the monotony of leveling.

That is the difference. Yes a Level 60 in raid gear will steamroll a level 54 but a level 60 in questing gear it will be a battle.

Do you see the difference ?

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Its not a battle.

I know that vanilla was laughed at by the gaming pvp community as a whole because you had to PVE to compete in PVP, and BGs were full of bad players in good gear feeling good about themselves.

It wasnt until arena gear came out that anyone gave pvp notice to WoW in BC and even then the best gear was still raid gear.

This is wrong. A lvl 60 in full naxx is almost 3 times the power of a fresh 60 in preraid bis. Add in a legendary, and its more like 4-6 times the firepower.

also, one shotting really isnt much different then 2 or 3 shotting.

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And yet I held my own in Dungeon blues in PvP Battlegrounds at 60 even before I started raiding. Sorry but you obviously have never done, or can’t do, max level BGs in Classic. You didn’t need raid gear for 60 BGs. Dungeon blues were fine.

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Maybe you were on a server with a low raiding population before there were battlegroup cross server.

Maybe you hit blues near launch when the population had a lower ilvl average and a lot more blues.

Maybe you are remembering wrong.

I only played in BC and I know sure as heck that a blue gear player going up against even an SSC player would get twink destroyed. much less BT or forbid Sunwell gear.

We are talking about a static realm here. In 2 years there will be a crowd with crazy good gear effectively twinking at 60.

If you want separate twink bgs at least be consistent and call for ilvl capped bgs groups.

Yes in TBC there was huge differences in power , which is why I found arenas boring (went 5-0 in 5v5 and we were all raiders), In CLASSIC (you know , what this forum is talking about) there was not large disparity. FYI I got my Sergent title in classic before I had stepped foot in either MC or Ony’s lair. And that was after Battlegroups.

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sergeant title is like 10 kills mate…