Why cant dps wait?

Probs don’t want to waste buffs.

You okay there Tiffany? :thinking: :thinking:

As you say, it is supposed to be FUN. It becomes NOT FUN when there’s a random DPS thinking they can just go pull whatever they want which may cause the group to wipe, possibly disbanding and wasting everyone’s time.


You have chosen to play with a random bunch of people. You can’t walk in assuming everyone has to play your way. Maybe you are wasting their time because they came to have fun and you are the buzz kill drill sergeant.

Well it’s not fun for you. It’s probably not fun for them when they thought they were playing a game and someone’s acting like it’s a real life job.

So when these people play baseball they just show up and start hitting balls before the other team takes the field? Fire balls down the bowling lane before the pins are set? Walk out to their own ball before the other three golfers in their foursome hit theirs?

The fact that it’s a game doesn’t mean anything goes. Games work best when people play them properly, not when everyone and their dog has their own excuse why they shouldn’t have to.


Yeah, we came here to slay, not delay!

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It does feel pretty bad to use Evocation while running only for the tank to stop. If the content is low enough, I will just shield up, clone myself, and send it.

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As a tank main, I like the exhilaration of a fast and loose run. Sometimes that’s where you can really see how to push things. Making safe, conservative pulls doesn’t really improve me, I think. Progressive overloading is key.

So, clone away, you heathen mage

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I try not to make it too stressful lol. But like, I did a +15 DHT with a new guild tank and ended up doing a bunch of pulls. Wanted big pull at the beginning and had to show them personally. But I was also leading route and we were on the same page.

I’ll mage tank +5s though :x

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Yeah, if you’re the shot caller and everyone is tracking, that sounds perfectly fine.

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Sometimes I zone out and acidentally keep going. I get on auto pilot. Apologies. I try not to do it very often.

Let’em die. They’ll stop.

I can’t understand the rush. And not for the reasons you’d assume I don’t get it.

I totally understand the desire to push efficiency. I love efficiency! What I don’t get is why, no matter how hard I try to be focused and ‘in the moment’ I am ALWAYS! the last person in the instance to arrive EVERYWHERE.

I don’t do it on purpose. I run instances like I drive. No distractions. …mostly no distractions. Yet, I am always somehow the last being to arrive to the fight.

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I didn’t see this answer in the first few posts, but some specs are designed to always be in combat or suffer the consequences so sometimes people pull like crazy to accommodate their gameplay. It is a team based game mode so such players are more often then not still choosing to be awful however, lets not pretend otherwise. This type of gameplay is encouraged by some class designs though.

Oh but they won’t, they really won’t.

This season I’m tryng tank, but I’m a main DPS (caster) for like 9 years and I never intentionally pulled mobs in pugs, even in trivial content. But most of DPSers just do it all the time.

Bro, in freaking Mythic Raiding some DPS will pull like 2-3s before you sometimes, and that with a gigant DBM timer in front of their faces :rofl:.

Is better to accept that this situation is just another “tank mechanic” that we have to deal with. If they pull the boss you try to avoid they being murder, if they die well… Not really your fault :sweat_smile:

It is what it is…


then go ham

Tricks of the Trade baby, I don’t have to wait.

Cuz i’m all jacked up on mountain dew!

my taunt button is for the healer.

and in your case, if you have idiot dps making bad pulls, then bubble the healer, bubble yourself, and just go about your business. if they can’t manage their aggro, boohoo.

people who are actually good at helping with pulls, they know how to do it to enhance the pull, not make things go crappy. in coordinated groups, the dps will likely help pull. but they will also have preassigned priority targets, individually assigned kicks, etc.

When I tank (puglife is my life), the pace is set by my CDs, my health bar, and the healer’s mana.

just do your thing man.

OP should be using Final Stand then so he can bubble taunt.

Blame timed keys aka the worst wow dungeon change