Why can't crated gear be catalyzed?

Please, if you have no idea what it would take, don’t start.
It’s not a redesign, they just have to mark the crafted gear as being able to be converted into tier gear.

??? I got the aspects from raiding dude, i still have 14 aspects not used now, because they are useless.

Nope, you can’t, i have 5 charges now and can’t convert crafted to tier.

And i’m here using catalyst charges to complete the 4 versions of the tier set mogs.

From Heroic. If you got the tier from Mythic its already upgradable to 447. If you got it from a 16+ from vault its already upgradeable. That means you are doing sub 16s, or you are heroic raiding. You have already upgraded the gear higher than it dropped at. You do not have aspect crests laying around from raiding unless you are doing mythic, which I am outright saying you are not.

I do know what it would take, and I have already outlined exactly why I believe it to be a bad idea. You are only thinking about your very small 6 ilvl upgrade and not the health of the game as a whole including impact on alts and gearing strategies throughout the entire patch.

You need aspects to craft the gear, aspects are from: MYTHIC RAIDING or 16+.

But i am?

The don’t speak as if you know.

For that 6 ilvl upgrade, one has to:

  • Play the game for 2 weeks for the charge
  • Farm 5 to 12 M+ OR kill 5 mythic bosses
  • Farm gold for the other mats

Why is that not enough? If the slot doesn’t drop from the bosses, or you don’t win the item, or the vault doesn’t drop them, then you’re just limited by rng.
I worked for that crafted gear, it should be able to be turned into tier.

Post on your main or accept we know youre full of it.

You did work for the crafted gear, and you GOT crafted gear. You want it to ALSO be tier gear at the highest level. You have a completely deterministic system where you can make literally every single slot with the exact stats you want and that isnt good enough. You got exactly what you earned.

You are ignoring the other arguments in favor of repeating the ones I’ve already responded to. Not really worth the circling around but I am glad Blizzard seems to agree with me here and you cant just do 16s and get a full set handed. I dont even think crafted gear SHOULD go up beyond lower mythic Ilvl, I would just consider yourself lucky a player can achieve the gear level you claim casually raiding and doing low keys.

I can’t because characters from the EU can’t post on the US forums.


USELESS crafted gear, since it can’t be turned into TIER. Is it hard to follow?

Your arguments are not arguments, they’re just gatekeeping because you feel superior or some crap. Hence BIASED.

when the season 1 catalyst came out 7 months ago…

One item once per week vs an alt hitting max level and getting a 5 pieces of 447 tier in the same week.

I wasn’t playing wow at the start of Season 1… came half-way through the season, more like near the end.

You need sparks and catalyst charges and to actually farm the crests and gold for the mats.
What is the problem with having to put in that much effort and getting the gear?

As opposed to random vault drops? Is player X more skilled because he had a vault drop for the slot he wanted versus player Y that didn’t?

Yes, you are more skilled if you beat RNG and get a good vault drop. Duh.


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W/e you say.

Im wearing like 7 pieces of crafted gear… How in the world did you determine it was useless? Because it isnt possible to make it into the exact tier pieces you need in addition to everything I listed? I guess your boots and chest are useless despite maintaining 4 piece and being able to select the embellishment on one of them?

You are killing the first 3 bosses in mythic (which also would not have given you enough aspects to do what youre saying for the total kills you have: 80 crests or ~1.25 447 piece) which already drop pieces that can be upgraded to 447. So you want to skip drops and be able to perfectly select the specific pieces you need?

It is not gatekeeping to say there will be some RNG involved (and should be) getting an entire set of perfectly stated/tier pieces rather than farming lower than the highest rewards content (IE sub 20 keys and the entry level mythic bosses).

If you want to make it so you have to get items from 20s+ and higher than entry mythic bosses to craft 447s and then that can be made into tier, that could be considered reasonable, but that isnt what you said or what you want.

Dude… i crafted today 3 pieces of gear, because i had the sparks, the aspects, the everything, waited several weeks on vault and other kills to make sure i wouldn’t get a vault duplicate before.

No chest, pants or shoulders dropped, so i made all 3 of them today.
I already had those slots as TIER, so i am using only chest piece from the crafted ones, because if i use the shoulder and the pants, i will lose the TIER bonus, what is so hard to understand?
The aspecsts, gold, SPARKS i used today were useless on the 2 pieces that i will NOT be able to use, because they can’t be converted into TIER pieces. Idk how much more clear i can say this.

I have 8 kills from those bosses so 80 crests, the rest are gotten through M+, what’s your problem with that?

I have put in the work to kill bosses and play m+ to get the ilvl upgrades. I should be able to convert the pieces that i CRAFTED that i have worked on into TIER pieces.

What i want is to be able to catalyze the crafted gear, the gear that i earned though X and Y.

You being a gatekeeper with your raid only crap is your invalid opinion.

Btw, your guild is 6 weeks earlier than my crap guild on when starting mythic… but you’ve only killed 2 bosses more. Your horse isn’t as high as you think, your guild seems more casual than mine, so idk how you get that entitlement for gatekeeping this crap to raiding only.

It’s never been able to be catalyzed. Wasn’t in season one either. By the time the Catalyst is released, you could craft an entire set in a day. They don’t want anyone doing that.

By the time the catalyst is released, you’re either full with pieces of tier, or you were unlucky and maybe missing 1.
So crafting an entire set is irrelevant, you’d need to have the materials(sparks/aspects) for it anyway.

Untrue. We constantly see people complain they still don’t have tier and the Catalyst came out too late. This isn’t a relevant point.

To Blizz it’s relevant. It’s too easy to make crafted gear. There’s plenty of other ways to get gear for the Catalyst. That’s all there is to this. Sorry you wasted sparks. Have a good day.

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Not really a contest. I never once said I though my guild should have access to more than you, besides it should be tied to content completed and not the infinitely farmable entry level versions of each mode.

You got the rewards for the work you put in. You got vault slots. You got gear drops. You got crests. You got reagents.

You want more.

I want to be able to use the gear i had crafted, yes.

Nothing is stopping you from equipping the pieces. In fact you have the chest on right now.

I’m sorry you didnt know crafted cannot be made tier. It cant. It shouldnt. Good luck in the future.

Equipping the pieces to get higher ilvl but lower my dps by a few thousand because i’m losing the tier bonus?
Maybe common sense is stopping me?

If i already acquired tier, i should be able to change any piece in that slot for tier with the catalyst, at the least.

Who cares? This is why they lose customers.

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