Why can you AFK the entire Radiant Echoes event and get full loot credit?

Leveling characters aren’t contributing anything anyway, especially if they didn’t bring their own gear along.

The drop rate on leveling gear is so low compared to the rate of leveling, that they are basically snacks for mob packs.

It’s not really a big deal anyway because there tends to be so many people that the events melt anyway.

It’s a problem only when there aren’t enough people in the zone to zerg the events, which if that’s the case it’d benefit you to find a new instance of it anyway.

While those things you listed would be nice, the difference in the two is that Echoes will go away and never™ come back and Eureka is permanent content. It’s not so important to have those QoL things so there likely wasn’t a financial reason to invest resources into that, a lot of people are doing the event without it so it seems it’s no game-breaking. But yeah they would be nice.

You get about 200 residual memories, every time you complete an individual event ( like killing Stitches) so it pays to pitch in.
Most bosses scale to level , so " not being able to help cause you are low" is total BS.
Hakkar might be the only exception to that rule, but I charge in like Don Quixote and die anyway.
I got my frost DK to 60 and he was tired and needed to level cooking, but I shall go back and pitch in as much as I am able again.

If people want to log in and AFK for progress in a video game, it doesn’t really change anything about how I play.

I wonder why they’re even here if they don’t actually want to play the game, but it does nothing to diminish my rewards or my experience.

I think this only bothers people who don’t actually want to play the game. Just AFK with the other people who don’t actually want to play the game. There are plenty of us that do that won’t even notice you’re there.

"brainstorm’ What if going AFk marks you for pvp?
Kill 2 birds with 1 stone
World PVP quests could be completed weekly and we eliminate the AFKers!

Because its a public event. This isn’t a LFG where you can kick people. The minor events you can AFK in but in testing the only one you cannot and have to tag is the main boss.
Plus they nerfed the health out of everything in the events so even if there are AFKers, it means nothing.

That would be an excellent way to drive a lot of people away from events. I’d rather not.

Sometimes I AFK to handle something outside of the game, it’s one reason I don’t raid. Would rather not come back to corpse running every time that happens.

There’s already risk AFKing on the ground, but if they’re in opposition to people AFKing in the sky, they could just add flying patrols to these events in the future.

Again, I don’t see any problem with it, personally. I’m here to play the game for me, I’m not here to police how others play the game. If it doesn’t directly impact me, I don’t care, and neither should anyone else.

I mean, how would you regulate that exactly?

Memories aren’t up long enough for people to be flagged as AFK. Even if they were, players would just occasionally move their character an inch to the left or right so they aren’t flagged. That solves nothing.

so- you walk back to your body and res and get an achievement and a trinket for first pvp in world… the horror

Is it any different than being able to afk at the soup, hunt, or keep events and get credit?

This is Blizzard’s fault. Do you know if you are fully geared from this event as say a level 30, you can barely kill a non-elite mob and it will take you about 30 seconds to do so? Yes, the scaling and gear below 70 is awful. If someone levels from 10-70 in this event, you should be begging that they AFK hover because if they tap the mob they will make it harder on you. It’s awful design and makes me feel like Blizzard doesn’t value leveling, and if that is the case why not remove leveling completely?

I’ll be blunt. It’s just a stupid idea.

you get credit for those events but not the mini bosses - those have to tag, just being close won’t give you credit. I just missed the tag on two this morning and absolutely nothing.

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because it solves the problem right?
Typical wow community response

It doesn’t solve the problem at all lol

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not going to happen and the fact you want to complete your quest to get PVP rewards from killing AFK players tell us a lot about you.

Yes, I am evil incarnate, that’s why I rolled horde. Like the little punks that are afk while I kill their boss for them are saints?
All I did to become evil , was to get old and have a work ethic and morals.
Funny how that works isn’t it?
I actually thought of a solution, but I realized it would take way too much programming before the event ended, but it is deliciously wicked!
Make a third status " expendable" that marks you for being able to be killed by both factions , without marking them for pvp.
If you go afk while other people toil, that is what you deserve!
( laughs maniacally) Mwuhahhahahahah!

Same reason you can afk at the Soup…or the dig …or the hunt…Blizzard had to give into the Lazy players of the game…

While I’ll agree there are lazy players, there are various reasons some may be “AFK”, including but not limited to:

  1. lag
  2. have to deal with a disability/pain for a bit
  3. needed to step away due to RL (emergency, food delivery, etc)

Thing is we can never tell why someone might not be…actively taking part, so we really should not judge others without expecting to be judged ourselves if/when we have possibly similar circumstances.

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Why shouldn’t it be allowed though? People enjoy doing it. If they didn’t enjoy doing it they wouldn’t do it. Why do you want people to not have fun?