Why can you AFK the entire Radiant Echoes event and get full loot credit?


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interestingly enough, it seems players in Chromie time get thrown into their own shard.

my poor lil druid was so confused about why the event was a ghost town on the second day :crazy_face:

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Because it would be impossible to police

:point_up: My lvl 10 mage died numerous times until finally getting to around 20. Started getting a little better then. Guess it’s hard to scale this event around max level players, and very low lvl players idk. Got to where I would just tag Hakkar, because that one spell it does one shots every time lol. Anyhow agree with op to an extent. Should at least have to participtate even if just tagging a mob during an event to get full credit. Just hovering over an event area and getting full credit is lame imo.

I leveled 11-41 on the event…went and did all the Horde allied race unlocks which took me up to level 54. Then did some chromie time until 61. Went back and finished on pre-patch event to hit 70 with a full set of gear, which i then promptly upgraded to my tier set.

OP, can I ask why you care so much? I get it if everyone except you is hovering over an event getting credit and loot, but that can’t be the case.

“It’s just not fair.”

It’s also just a computer game where you get kinda crap, filler loot (imo). It doesn’t matter that much, does it?

They def nerfed it highly today on bosses. So people dont hurt helping n ow. People also dont hurt standing there. its not zone wide so their memories gained is far far less than if they were active

You have to tag to get credit already. The situation should be that enemies should not be scaling per tag. They already have level and ilvl scaling. Blizz is too high on scaling. They need to detox.

This right here ^^^ also Timewalking is pretty miserable right now!

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The event is not safe enough for anyone below 60 & in timewalking.

This is a terrible idea with the current state of scaling. If you try this event as a leveling character you would understand immediately why this is a terrible idea.

I did try this with a leveling character and the scaling is so bad that even at 10 with full heirlooms it takes 10+ times longer than normal to kill a normal non elite mob in the event compared to regular leveling areas. It is also very difficult to take on more than one mob at a time without dying as each mob chunks you for 10-20% of your hp per normal attack. It gets even worse as you level up as the event drops for leveling characters are significantly lower than they should be (they were dropping about half or worse item level than my heirlooms were scaling up to).

Currently the idea you are stating here is actually a thing if you are leveling and do not turn off chromie time. Chromie time shards you away from level 70s. If you go try that you will probably not be able to finish the event in the 1 hour time period given the changes to amount of memories needed to spawn the boss. I tried this in chromie time at the start of this event before they buffed boss health and increased memories required…it was horrendous. Even with almost everyone trying to kill the bosses people were dying constantly and the main bosses were taking over 20 minutes to kill.

The problem has nothing to do with people wanting to get a free ride like the OP and you are assuming and has everything to do with not wanting to die constantly and knowing that their contributions mean absolutely nothing due to the terribly designed scaling in these events. Your recommended fix will do nothing but stop people from playing the game. If Blizzard fixed the scaling sure but then you wouldn’t be complaining about this because people would be contributing.

Why shouldn’t it be allowed tho?

I’m leveling a lock through the event and I sit back and watch on the bosses til around 8% or so. She barely does any damage at her level and I see how quickly the boss hp increases with everyone and their brother tagging them. I’d just be making things worse if I jumped in right at the start instead of waiting it out and letting the boss get down to a reasonable level.

If they tag the bosses, their health increases.

Would you rather they tag for credit, then afk and make it take even longer? Cause that’s what would happen.

I agree. Huge exaggeration. Minimal AFKers, things die very quick. The whole event takes 10 minutes (Daily quest to kill boss) from the zone activating to the boss dying.

I literally got the XP for the “perfect liver” event at one point last night even though I AFK’d by parking on top of the one high peak right next to the boar “plateau”.

I actually felt bad for it because I am also annoyed by people (who are in their 50s+, I’m not talking someone level 15 or something) just sitting there on a mount while I do all the #$%#$%#$% work.

They’re not even putting forth the effort of skyriding around the event. They’re hovering there in steady flight mode.

The real question is; who cares and why aren’t you taking full advantage of it?


I’ll tell you what I’m offended by…

4 out of 7 days this week - so far, because I’m betting money it will happen Saturday as well - we get hour-long “resets.”

This is actually sort of ridiculous, pre-patch… pre-expansion or not, to be completely honest. Last week was the same thing. It’s starting to get a little ridiculous at how “well, it’s all patchworked code” is just supposed to be something that Blizzard’s customers are just supposed to expect and accept when it comes to the product they provide.

There’s a load of problems with the content but, this isn’t one of them. Yea, there’s always a handful of lazy folks who won’t do the rest of the content to get to the big prize, but that’s their choice. I don’t really care if someone wants to netflix their way through a patch.

What I don’t like is how Bliz ripped off Eureka but left off some of the more important parts of it - like a clear progess timer to see how far along an event is so you don’t waste time flying to it. Or some proper scaling so that the events aren’t steamrolled.

I’m not saying that other games did it any better, but it’s like Bliz didn’t even tried.

for the same reason they give people free gear to catch up after they chose to not play for an entire season or expansion pack.