Why can you AFK the entire Radiant Echoes event and get full loot credit?

says it all, it’s really complete baloney that we have a fleet of afkers sitting on mounts hovering above or sitting on something just collecting the memories and contributing absolutely nothing.

Why is this allowed?


Actually it’s even worse, they tag the mobs then go AFK so the rest of us have a larger HP pool to deal with. I wish you simply could be in the zone for full credit.


Because for public events to function at all it kind of has to be.


Some of them might be low level. It’s not very low level friendly.


I would rather not have the army of afk lowbies engage bosses and inflate their health to unreasonable levels.


Well it’s up to Blizz to not have it inflate on tag. They gave amazing xp this event but also don’t want people to be able to fight any of the mobs.


Oh my god, who cares man? You’re just fishing for things to be offended by. Did you want to play the event? Then do so. There’s yet to be any lack of players participating. Did you want to just post up and get free meaningless internet points? Then join them. There is no post here. You’re a rageaholic. You can’t get through your life without your precious rageahol. Stop it. Come run a dungeon with me.


there are literally people flying Circles around Onyxia on thier mounts … they are not low level.

you seem to need a snickers or something pal.

the only one offended is you trying troll lol.


You can dragonride at 10 now.

Also if they’re flying and not tagging the boss then they’re not getting any credit for the event.



why wouldn’t it be? who cares?


They arent participating because due to scaling they do no damage and get 1 shot by the mechanics. Until scaling is fixed it will be like this.


Exaggerate much? ‘Fleet of AFK’ers’? I have been playing the event since it started for long periods at a time and I haven’t seen what people are talking about. Maybe one or two people flying in the air at a couple events but they are just afk and not getting any credit for the memories. I don’t know what servers you are talking of, mostly I have seen everyone contributing and lowbies just struggling to level but not many people afk at all. I have seen everyone from lower levels to 70’s dying during the events though.


That isn’t strictly true. Onyxia has an AOE fear which puts you in combat and the only “need” is to be in the radius anyway. Plenty of times I’ve been on a leveling alt and just touched down on an event that finishes and got full XP and loot. World bosses, like Onyxia, I’ve stayed perched on a nearby rock or tree and use that time to stretch, get water, etc. I’ll tag in once I am back and she isn’t capable of actually hurting with her breathe from up there.

Levelers should be helping during events though. Especially things like pumpkins, lumber, pages, and crystals because that is just clicking things and adding to the percentage (or being another body getting a page on tagged mobs, etc). Smart people won’t be doing minibosses unless they happen to be nearby and the boss is low since it is far more efficient to clear most of the other events.


this is false.

I just “joined em” and sat with them.

I got 200 memories on mini boss (i’m talking about all the mini events to spawn final boss) and 1400 for Ony. plus 4 loots over the 20 min and the champ chest for Ony dying.


what a joke.

When I was on my level 24 warrior, I would wait until the boss is under 50% before attacking. Otherwise, she dies and gets no credit at all. I could just tag the boss at 100% and stand just outside of range.

I didn’t know that this was possible. I wade through slideshow fps in desperation to get in to at least tag the bugger. Oddly enough, once killed if spawned again the fps are acceptable. I may appear AFK when this happens but when it is really bad it is minutes per frame rather than frames per second.

Thanks, I didn’t know that. I’ll give it a shot :+1:t5:


I mean, yeah, I’ve seen people afk, but most people seem to at the very least be trying to do some damage. I’ve afked a couple times myself, but that’s because I genuinely had to walk away for a few and didn’t want to miss out on the end boss tag. :sweat_smile: Things happen. It’s not always malicious or laziness.


again ill say
Lvl 10-69 should have there own Shards
Lvl 70 should just be lvl 70s no one under lvl 70

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