Why can you AFK the entire Radiant Echoes event and get full loot credit?

What classes are having issues? I leveled a hunter and working on a paladin via the events and even at level 10 only mechanic I had any issues with was the blood drain on Hakkar. Sure It might take me a bit to kill a memory solo but nothing is really one shotting me or even hurting much at all.

Some context from a Guild Wars 2 player as we also have this issue (and a lot of our content in open world is “meta events” or tl;dr chain events that lead to a world boss); this is an issue for any open participation open world event that scales. Unfortunately it kinda has to scale, otherwise a handful of overgeared players can just show up and beat it down before other players even have a chance to participate.

The issue of people tagging and then afking results in the boss taking even longer than normal to finish so everyone can move on, but ultimately people don’t like dying (even if there is a low cost penalty) so they will just tag and wait for it to die. This is less punishing in wow because “time is money” compared to GW2 is actually nowhere near as close, since the primary way open world players make their gold is by chain farming open world metas often called meta trains.

To try and alleviate this, GW2 actually implemented an afk/bot check system that detects if you aren’t active in an event and removes your participation from the event if it’s clear you aren’t participating. The tech still has a long ways to go and was only implemented somewhat recently to extent that it’s at now, but it’s really hard to find the balance between “who is afking” vs “who is just trying to help at low level but keeps dying/who just sucks and can’t handle any mechanics.”

The issue may feel worse in wow since the events aren’t really losable vs how they are in GW2 (Dragon’s End meta was a historic case of very casual players raging against the dps/mechanics check that the event involved that would actually result in most attempt failing early on, and even to this day), but in wow when a boss is just there till it’s dead it’s just a matter of waiting out the clock. We aren’t up against a timer here so while it still feels bad and I have no way how/if they could/would ever address it, believe me it sucks a lot more to work on a map-wide event for upwards of 45 minutes only to have the final boss fail and have to wait for the next meta cycle.

Anyway, yeah they should have stuck with MOP remix for the xpers in my opinion. Just super juice the xp there and create an interesting prepatch event for max level live players, alas here we are.

I remember people doing this in Legion pre-patch as well. Swoop in, tag, go AFK.

Most of the time it didn’t matter, but there were times when it did.

You can definitely get credit for the non mini boss ones at least. I flew over one as it was ending and got a drop a bit ago.

Who gives a f? If they arent touching the boss its hp doesnt increase it literally costs you nothing.


Masked profanity is still against the rules.

Because Blizz seems to enjoy promoting laziness in such things.

I honestly don’t know either way, but in GW2 the world boss scales based on player proximity, not on tags. So if there are x-amount of players nearby, it scales to x-amount of players.

In D4, it apparently scales based on players participating, so maybe that means they need to have tagged it before it scales, which I would assume would be the same in wow.

Again, idk how WoW world bosses work, but if it’s proximity vs interaction that would make a big difference in why people would care about people just standing there.

All the complaints I have seen about this are just people over exaggerating because they see one or two people. It is a non issue. I have been playing non stop since the event started and I’m just not seeing it on any of my shards. Just about everyone is participating and I have not ran into ‘afk farmers’ like all these threads are talking about. The extremely small percentage of people that are not doing anything are not contributing to boss hp pools or messing with the events in any way. I don’t see the problem.

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Its tag only as I have sat next to them on alts and not touched them so their hp doesnt go up because as a non 70 I do more harm than good if I actually hit the boss. Its a shame people like the OP dont know this and shame people for being helpful.


I mean I have seen the damage lower level/lower geared players do in raid groups on open world stuff, I’m not sure how much they are helping by scaling a boss without being able to contribute towards the scaled amount of damage lol

I wouldn’t shame anyone for not knowing either way, it is pretty annoying to just see anyone standing there and just tagging vs helping regardless.

I mean u can easily just go test it out yourself. The dmg anyone outputs under 70 is abysmal compared to the amount of hp they add. Its why the boss ones take so long and why the end boss takes forever now. Its MUCH better to just stand there.

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I moreso meant the people that tag early then just stand there, not people like you who wait and then tag. I am assuming there is a big difference in the time sink is causes.

At least tagging only gives HP. The worst is when people taunt a mini boss away and it resets.

I am AFKing Hogger right now.

See… now I didn’t know that. I don’t want to stand around and watch everyone do all the work and me get something for nothing, now I feel totally bad for playing today at lvl 50+ and fighting all bosses at 100% like my life depended on it. :grimacing: :flushed: :sob:

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I have participated in these fights were the majority of the lower level players take part, and the fight lasts forever. Whereas when you stand back and let the strong players on characters that have more survivability do the killing, everybody benefits.

People need to be a little less precious about things like this. Let other people play the game how they want to if it has no negative effect for you. Especially when the fights seem designed to play out as they do.

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For the boss fights, it might be because people have realized that the lag or scaling means they aren’t putting out much damage anyway, so why bother.

For “do X” events, it doesn’t matter. If they stay or go, it’s not getting the event done any faster, so if they get some free easy currency, it has no effect on anyone else. Speaking for myself, I don’t know what to do in all these events yet and often I arrive when they are at 95% completion. In the time it takes to land it’ll probably be done, so yeah, I hover and get some free bonus currency and then move on to the next event.

I also will skip events if they are at 0% completion. To min-max my income, it’s in my best interest to find an event that’s almost over and help finish that one. In fact, it’s in everyone’s best interest, because the faster the events are completed, the faster the boss will get respawned.

On my leveling characters I try not to hit the boss until he’s very low on health.

When I was doing it on max characters I dozed off on the searing gorge boss and realized it had run its course for me.

They may have changed some things, but low-levels’ measly damage at low levels will not compensate for the massive HP scaling of the (mini)boss that their tagging caused. The bosses seem to be dying much much faster today regardless, so I don’t think it matters anymore, but it used to make a big difference.

I heard somewhere that the previous massive HP scaling was a bug, so they may have fixed that, but there could be some low levels that don’t know it’s been changed. There are still afk trolls though, for sure.

My main issue is that gear drops below level 60 seem to be only for level ten characters; item-level 21 drops for a level 43? Wth is that?