Why can you AFK the entire Radiant Echoes event and get full loot credit?

They can very well design events that require participation.

sure there is, that stupid twig that came out of nowhere and robbed me of my speed like Zoom

Unfortunately there’s no other way to maximize on residuals too.

Dragonblight seems to be the buggiest zone for these issues. Yesterday, the memory where you have to burn the corpses stayed up for the entire event and couldn’t be completed by anyone.

Why do people AFK at the time rift and bloom events?

I’ve been pretty active in each event I go to thus far… but the lack of the transmogs dropping and having far more of the event currency then I’ll need makes me understand why people are tired and want to afk to try for the mogs… =/

Indeed. Dragonblight seems like the worst of them, the amount of bugs there is a pretty long list. The worst for me was on the arena one where the guy on the elephant is, it spawns a second boss mid fight and chaos ensues. That elephant has killed me more than once and the graveyard is so far away that he is dead by the time you get back.

Time Rifts are just as bad, and it really ticks me off watching people just sitting on the columns in the center doing diddlysquat.

I actually fight the end bosses, but I do afk through the initial memory phase. I don’t even do the event anymore, it was irrelevant after 1 day.

I’d rather have the people sitting on their mounts than the people who do sub 60k dps on the boss. The former is merely not helping while the latter actively makes everything take longer by not offsetting the amount of extra health the boss got when they tagged it.

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This. I got so many hate tells in the Wrath pre-patch because I would gather up the entire Scourge invasion on my prot paladin and just AoE them all down and nobody else could tag.

Some of the mini bosses only gave me 25 currency for coming in too late.

How, exactly? Damage thresholds? So nobody can do events in a healer spec?

They might be taking a break. I have a friend who is only capable of playing for 2 to 3 mins at a time due to an issue with her wrist and hand. Stop thinking about yourself and understand that there are players with disabilities who play this game. They are allowed to play just like you are.

This happens way too often and it is not because you are late. I’ve started them from the beginning of the bar and it still happens a few times and keeps you from getting anything. It’s a really unacceptable bug and needs to be looked at and fixed as soon as possible but I’m sure they won’t.

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I mean even with full heirlooms at level 10, normal mobs in the event are challenging and take too long to kill when compared to leveling in normal leveling areas. They show your level but the scaling is broke. This is specific to prepatch event mobs so idk what they did but its pretty bad when the ideal way to do this event is follow around level 70s and not participate in fear of being 1 shot even with decent gear for your level. Add to that that it gets worse the higher you go because gear drops way too low item level and you get what we have here where alot of people just fly around while geared 70s carry them.

Scaling has always had its issues but Dragonflight and other chromie time areas seem fine but prepatch event not good at all.

Honestly, I started doing that cause my level 30 was getting wrecked by everything.

Can’t really blame you for hating me, though. Thanks for the carry!

Imagine getting mad at people that arent hurting anybody.

HYPOTHETICALLY– If you were somehow able to get your OP toon from remix to one of these zones, I am sure, you would not only have the entire event to yourself, but would also be able to kill the bosses in seconds…

Slightly separate note, but Whoa-- people actively advocating taking advantage of each other like its normal is just @_@

Because some of us have Stephen King movie marathons to watch while collecting our echoes… obviously.

But don’t worry, I got all the stuff so you won’t see me there again :smiley:

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