Why can you AFK the entire Radiant Echoes event and get full loot credit?

Yes, but it’s 10 times worse if you tag the boss at 100% and increase its health that way.


Need to Lower HP to how it was on day 1, bur increase Boss Shield longer so people do have time to get there


The real question is who cares?

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Good to know, thanks.

There has always been more than enough time to get to every boss. The stuff at the small objectives despawns when the final boss appears, so you can’t even be “stuck in combat”.

There’s really no excuse not to get there in time.

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I’m fairly certain it increases boss health by a percentage of current health. So if they’re at 10%, it’ll only increase it 10% as much as it would at 100%, which seems to be over a million for each tagger.

I started doing this on my rogue as I leveled, since I felt bad I wasn’t able to help. You really don’t do any damage at all unless you’re 70, and tagging seems to increase their health by millions as if you’re 70.


For the bosses that you do have to tag for credit I try and tag RIGHT at the end to not inconvenience people, and also so that I don’t die.

If you die you don’t get the big XP chunk or the currency, I don’t think.


Bless your heart. This planet needs more people like you.

If you die you get nothing. Nada. Zip. It’s super easy to die and the corpse runs take a minute especially in dragonblight where the graveyard is up to 600-700 meters away. As well as the events bugging out and not giving their reward even if you contribute. I don’t even know why this is a thing considering everywhere else in the game you can be dead or far away and still get your rewards.


When I’m on my lower level alts I actively participate in the non-mini boss events. But on the mini-boss events I wait to join in for the last 15% or so because my damage tends to be low due to scaling compared to the health bump. I do the same on the main bosses. I just sit and wait until they are below 1m health. Less risk of dying and I don’t slow it down for others. I have seen a number of lower level characters doing the same thing.

But I have seen people just fly in to the non-mini boss events and just sit there. I find that to be annoying since you can help with those without slowing it down for others. But it also doesn’t really matter either :man_shrugging:t4:

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Woah!! :scream:

Well that’s not true. There’s plenty that do hover until mobs are down then fly over to the next. Unless that’s what you consider participating. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

It’ll be okay. Just calm down.

have you not being playing the last few expansions ? This started in legion - the afk and get credit business.

I haven’t got credit for some of those main bosses even after I have been fighting them for 5 minutes. I am doubtful you get credit for no tag at all on that last boss - not sure about the mini bosses but I don’t do the ones that have killed me.

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Blizzard’s always been lax on public events. I think the soup event was the only event that forced you to really participate to get the quest done.

I see more and more people afking where the final boss spawns now. Yesterday, only seemed to be 4-5 people, today it’s around 15+.

Yea. Hakkars channel kills my lowbies I avoid hakkar for that reason, and you can do nothing about it. Afk till boss is close to dying is just safe and time saving.

Damn son, you need a hug or something?

You don’t. Some of the events require you to be in the zone and do give credit, sometimes. But not all the time. There is a bug where even when you fly into the zone the UI doesn’t update with a bar or anything and you won’t get any credit but if you leave the zone and come back it will pop up. As well as the other bug where you only recieve 25 memories and nothing else.

Try and stand in the poison puddle just long enough to get the minute long debuff. The debuff protects you from Hakkar’s channel (it actually heals you I think). When the chanel ends, the debuff is removed. You may need to get it again for the next channel.

Hmm good to know. Thanks : 3

Yeah, I can start fighting Ragnaros for example, and I don’t have to worry about anything. Heck, I could probably walk away to make a sandwich or something and I’d be fine. Not engaging to me. Just tedious.

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