Why can you AFK the entire Radiant Echoes event and get full loot credit?

why do you care what a random person does who isnt in your group or party???
thats weird bro u get your loot regardless, what are you crying for?

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Yeah, my lowbie priest can handle two, but if I pull a third I hope I can make my corpse run fast enough to get credit.

Because its griefer proof, if they added code that wouldn’t give loot to people who didn’t tag or kept a certain distance or stayed within a certain area, griefers would find some toy, ability or ruse to take advantage of noobs and leave them lootless as the trolls laughed behind their keyboard at the misfortune of others.

People care because each person who attacks the boss increases the boss’ health pool. If they just tag and afk the boss kill takes longer.

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That wouldn’t be too big of a deal either if the bosses didn’t scale so high now. Some scaling is fine, but I think they went overboard.


I dunno why people die so much at these events with lowbies, unless you are trying to engage like you are maxxed level. I’m leveling a mid teens mage atm, in range and using the few abilities I have, at the events, and have not died yet.

I just don’t think they need the increases health on attack scaling when they already have level and ilvl scaling on things.

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Agreed. The one thing I found to make it tolerable on my lowbie toons is to visit Chromie and to remove them from Chromie time. Boss kills with some 70s around go much faster.

Try to engage on a lowbie melee toon. You’ll be making some corpse runs.

You need more things to worry about if this bothers you…

Ah, we can only be concerned about real tragedies, gotcha. I’m sure you’re living an absolutely bare bones monastic lifestyle in order to devote all your extra resources to fighting real problems.

No you didn’t. I literally just sat through an Arthas fight in proximity so his event window is up and didn’t tag him once. Got 0 loot or memories. Rest of the events yeah you can hover above and get loot. Not Main bosses.

IMHO, they should just code dynamic HP decreases too, for every character who stops attacking for a time period (30s or something), and remove hit credit.

You already lose credit if you’re afar when the enemy dies, even if you tagged it.

We already get credit for miniboss kills with no tags, but you need to tag end bosses.
It would be better for no tag credit overall since then those who want to join the kill actually don’t get hindered by AFKers.

why we pretending you busy and cant spare and extra 1-3 MINUTES. u just gonna go stand in front of a portal looking goofy

My characters that I’m leveling through these events are still in their iLvl 45 gear but also they’re like level 65 now because they’re leveling so quick.

All them trying to “help” is going to do is to increase mob HP. If there are no mobs around I’ll have them dash down and grab some pumpkins or torch some bodies, but trying to actually fight the mob is only going to make the mobs harder to kill and get their faces eaten.


We’re not. Some of us just want to use that time to kill more bosses.

Does the boss HP increase if I wait to tag when the boss is at like, 10%.

Well a boss that does virtually no damage and has a gajhdixskilion amount of health, sometimes I just don’t feel all that enthusiastic. /j

Hard to kill more bosses when complaining on the forums. I’m sorry but the boss has too much health and is literally no threat so my butt is going to tag it, and go do something else and come back for my rewards. Not sorry…

They need to look at technology that allows all non max level required gear to dynamically adjust their stats for a range of character levels rather than be locked to a single item budget for the entirety of that items usage.

You can see this problem in Remix with players who refused to upgrade their item levels while they leveled or even after. If you don’t keep your gear item level relatively close to the max item level you can have at a given level then your power tends to be fairly weak.

The same can be seen when you level through any chromie timeline at the accelerated pace without running dungeons and to be honest even while running dungeons. You are never able to keep your gear even in full heirlooms where it should be for your level. The quest rewards are spaced and were balanced to accommodate taking ten levels to complete the zones. When you level ten or twenty times in a single zone…those rewards don’t really go as far. Thus your regularly underpowered.

Scaling adjusts difficulty to where the mobs level is your own level. It doesn’t to my knowledge adjust based on your equiped gear.

Now you have an event like the pre-patch where its very effective to level quickly due to the amount of XP you get while at the same time there’s not frequency to gear rewards and when you do get gear its woefully below the ilvl you should have at your character level. This leads to people saying “scaling is busted” - the scaling isn’t what is busted its the reward frequency and the life cycle of what rewards you actually get while leveling.

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