Why can you AFK the entire Radiant Echoes event and get full loot credit?

Sorta like those who earn static flight the proper way? Ohh thats right, you are against that. One in Glass houses shouldn’t be tossing stones when the shoe is on the other foot.

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Especially if the ones who will throw the stones back are in the same thread and seeing her hypocrisy.

Outside of leveling is there any reason to do the pre-launch event on other than one character? I mean the currency is transferable to other toons. And the stuff that occasionally drops is account bound, warbound whatever you wanna call it anyways. Just wish the awakened drake crest, and flintstones were transferable, then this event would have been awesome :rofl: :popcorn:

It’s also 100ilvls below what a normal character of that level would get by questing.

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Nope. Warbands killed alt play in this way. I switch at random now to whatever character I feel like playing in the moment, where before there were goals to achieve on each character to direct me. Now I just… do whatever and lose interest. I hope that changes.

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Not really true outside of Hakkar. I leveled 3 characters from 10-70 doing nothing but echoes and outside of the one boss mechanic for Hakkar I was never one shot (played melee and ranged). I didnt just tag, I was all in like it mattered.

Honestly it’s been amazing, on dozens of alts I was able to hit level cap and fully gear up without having to even get off my mount once. I hope we get more events like this so I can get fully rewarded while I afk watch videos on my other monitor.

I skip the fill the blue bar ones. I mean does anyone actually enjoy those lol. More Hogger the better imo :rofl: :beer:

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The bosses take like 45 seconds to kill everytime. If it takes 60 seconds every couple times. So be it

It’s this way with nearly everything. People AFK time rifts all the time, collecting boxes with no work and many will jump into the rift, never touch the boss and get loot. I was in a LFR on Saturday where multiple players simply put a tank on follow and would immediately die on the boss kills because of it.

I think this is why they are investing in delves and why delves will ultimately work. It’s turned into a solo game even in group content to the point where people would rather not participate if the other choice is carrying freeloaders. So let those people progress and make the freeloaders work for themselves.

Man I wish I lived in a world where this was a problem…

Do u have a tax attorney?


I hate hogger, it takes too long to kill because no one does the objectives. Stitches all the way.


The bigger the hog the bigger the health pool lol. Weird because Stiches is bigger :crazy_face:

It’s all basically a way to take all your alts and set them up as level 70,s with decent starting gear.

Just cycle through all the alts you might want to play and farm away.

It kinda makes everything you did over dragonflight seem worthless and reinforces the endless cycle.

if all you did and all you cared about in DF was making your ilvl go up, you were always going to be disappointed when a new expansion came out.


Look man, I’ve said it a few times already and I’m not going to say it again, This time doesn’t count. You need to be AFK to be AFK. Being asleep at the Keyboard is still At Keyboard.

Dude, this has been the way since Outland. This ain’t new. It won’t change.


Just give the bosses an ability that hits you for 60% hp, but leaves a magic effect causing you to heal for 50% of your damage dealt for 10 seconds.

Have the boss use this on everyone that’s entered combat with them every 30 sec - 1 min.

Now afkers die and everyone else can dps like normal

or they could leave it as is since it doesn’t need to be “fixed”

I got every class to level 70 from this event lol. It’s great. Makes you really wonder why they would take a hit to wow boosts for this. All things considered all they care about is making money so abuse it while you can.