Everyone will hate on this comment that wants housing but Blizzard attempted to add it with Garrisons (yes it was player housing even if you “think” it wasn’t) because they wanted to test the waters with a system of their own… the community ripped it apart horribly.
It then took the look of class halls as they were next and it was hit or miss depending on the player type. We later got covens that were a simpler version of class halls and they went over about the same… some loved while others hated.
at this time i believe its on a shelf waiting for either the community to hate on something else while they look at re-adding or its on the shelf for when they have to add something to keep subscribers and they have run out of other ideas
Garrisons were very ugly, weren’t a home and the customization was a complete joke.
When people say they want player housing, they don’t mean a static hut in the outdoors on a plot of land, I’m pretty sure they mean an instanced indoor house that you can decorate with static objects.
People always say that but they forget that almost every important character to the Legion is also tied to Alliance characters. The mistake Blizzard did was not to include more Horde characters into the main story.
And they deserve more race diversity and their requests granted.
They simply thought that no Horde character would fit into the story. They are this simple-minded and also have been in the past. Obviously they could have added Horde-characters to the story but this did not happen.
I actually do. A fourth dwarf race isn’t really needed in the Alliance.
Because it’s common sense. You can’t have a healthy faction system in the gameplay department if you favor one side. This is how the whole system collapsed in the first place.
I think once someone at blizz realizes the monetization potential of player housing it’ll happen. Initial free offer would be basic alliance/horde style like garrisons and then in the store you can purchase decor packs or custom housing design like Vrykrul, Nerubian/Scourge, etc
Star wars galaxies probably had the best mmo housing feature of all time and swtor seems to have followed it but took an instanced approach to player housing, something blizz could also do with players having the ability to allow or block other players from entering their home via a key ring system.
Don’t need to anymore. Perhaps in the future when another bias topic arises.
I really don’t follow this tribalism, it’s too immature at this point. The damage has been done on both sides, yet the Alliance still need proper updates to become relevant in the cosmetic department.
We are literally talking about the topic right now.
You couldnt be more Alliance-tribal if you tried.
You paint the Alliance as the victim. You wont say how. We just have to agree. Alliance is victim. Why? Doesnt matter. They are the victim. How were the victimized? We arent going to get into it. Just agree that the Alliance is the victim.
Your entire conversation is the text book definition of a tribal defense.
Alliance is more relevant in every single aspect of WoW than Horde is other than “being the bad guys”.
Yes, but I’m really not in the mood for it at the moment, just came home from work and want actually to play. You’ll find me in another bias topic in the future, that’s for sure.
I have written about my pov a lot in the past on these forums, I’m not going to repeat myself again and again like a broken record. Search for my name and “bias” and you’ll find enough postings.
I do think at least this one doesn’t really fit with the rest of the argument. Horde had the best racials early, which caused a lot of the progression-oriented players to gravitate horde. As that mindset crept through the lower ranks, it became significantly harder to progress through the ranks as alliance since more and more progression guilds were horde.
Blizzard making alliance racials better was, at least in part, an attempt for Blizzard to encourage more players to go alliance. Major faction imbalances, at least when the factions matter for gameplay, creates significant issues for both the game and the community. Them trying to nudge more players to go alliance isn’t necessarily because alliance became high priority, just that the cost of not rebalancing the player base was too great…
…which is also why I think Blizzard has essentially made faction identify rather useless both in story and gameplay over the couple expansions. It seems they threw in the white towel for trying to return to, and maintain long term, a balance between the factions. With everything becoming cross-faction, players aren’t going to be faced with the choice of playing a race they don’t like or not being able to play with friends/achieve their in-game goals.
I would not be surprised if Blizzard takes some rebalancing passes at the racials over the next few expansions now that faction doesn’t limit who you can play with. We already see much of the pendulum swinging toward alliance with the addition of cross faction raids and keys; nearly 100% of the top keys are night elf or dwarf save for the required dracthyr, and a lot of tanks in top end raids are dwarves or dark iron dwarfs as well. It’s not really great for the high end players to now be faced with similar choices that the middle-tier players faced a decade ago when wanting to enjoy their time in game.
I am not sure if we are talking about the same thing.
I am saying that for the last 8 years, the Alliance has not been low priority. And that the best racials being Alliance atm are a part of that.
If we were specifically talking about pre-Legion, ok. But I am more talking about present, not distant past.
Sure. But there is a ground between high and low. I didnt claim they were high priority. I only stated they were not low priority. Based on a variety of factors.
Weren’t you that person that argued with me yesterday about the reasoning for the implementation of war mode even though I cited Blizzards response that backed my exact claim?
Why do you continue to support this “giant soulless company” with your time, money, and energy. Do the right thing and move on to something that caters more to your liking.
Sure everything comes into play, I won’t dispute that. But the shift from horde racials being dominant to alliance began before Legion, and the problems they were looking to solve still existed going into Legion. This is the reason that despite alliance racials being better in PVE for more than a decade, alliance HoF took months longer to fill than horde HoF. Even at the top every advantage existed for top end guilds to be alliance, but social pressures (and possibly cost) still kept them horde.
If you truly want to just consider Legion onward for racials leaning alliance, I can’t really stop you. But it just feels weird to treat the racial imbalance that existed before Legion as just another check mark in the “alliance has priority” discussion when nothing about the problem Blizzard was looking to solve with shifting power into alliance racials had changed going into Legion.