Why can older games that had less money, less tech and less teams give player housing but WoW cant?

Everquest 1 and 2 did it and they def had less money, less players, the tech was older too. I think it is NOT that Blizzard can’t do it. Its that they don’t want to. That is really it but Ion wont’ just come out and say it. They should be honest. “Because we don’t want to.”

I don’t even necessarily want player housing. I am just calling out Blizzard because I think their reasons are not truthful on the matter.

Restored again. :smiley:


Pretty sure no one is saying they can’t. It’s pretty obvious they just don’t want to, and if something is obvious there’s little reason to take the time to say it


They don’t owe anyone any dialog on this matter, none of us are entitled to anything from Blizzard except access to their servers with a paid sub.


These people are underpaid, understaffed and work on recycling almost every thing in the game. Unless Microsoft starts to give them more developers and funds, nothing will change.


If Blizzard does it, they want to do their own version of it, and they’ll want it to be tied into a bunch of other content in order to stimulate engagement, plus they’ll want to find a way to monetize it too, not directly of course, but they’ll find a way lol


Considering how Garrisons killed the social aspect of the game in Draenor and ruined professions, I hope they stay far away from player housing. And during Kung Fu Panda, we had those Farmville things… I’d rather just avoid that stuff.


Player housing, crafting, pvp were essential parts of the old MMO´s.

Raiding, mount & pet collecting, time trials are what people want today.

Not saying the majority, but those that are very vocal and if you are vocal enough like with dragon flying, then you get it, no matter how much it goes against the majority and the MMO design.

Some people were super vocal about the removal of the garrison system, so it was discontinued and I doubt it will come back any time soon.


Having houses aren’t necessary a bad thing. It can be a very small instance, where you can relax with your character(s) and access the very, very massive index of furniture the game offers.

And it will help removing eRP in the public, that’s for sure.


Companies rarely will be 100% truthful but I think Ion was mostly honest when he talked about player housing.

They had a team of devs added to the wow team or something and it may come in a few expansions but Blizzard is slow and player housing in how they envision it is a huge task.

Perhaps they weighed it with others internally if it was worth it right now to commit to player housing; maybe the higher ups gave strict deadlines so they avoided player housing; who knows.

Ultimately I’d rather them breath fresh air into the old world and make better open world stuff before they go all in on player housing.


Hello, I see you made a post about player housing. This idea was delivered by the developers we knew as garrisons, where a chunk of the player base ended up disliking. The developers have also stated themselves they wish to not input traditional player housing, yet the local minority we know as the forums continue kicking the poor dead horse, haha!

Thank you for your post and have a great day!


Yes we are. We are paying and they can’t tell the truth? Its because they don’t want to. Not because they can’t.


Hello, I see you responded to a post about player housing. This was NOT delivered by the developers as garrisons. Garrisons were not player housing. They could not be customized or items could not be placed either, but thanks for the incorrect post, which has been flagged as trolling, haha!


They claim it would be an entire patch to do this… I offered them an easy solution. would fit in the game right now, and does require special zones or phasing or areas. you have set Flight paths for Gryphons’. So why not just let people build small islands into the sky depending on your home size you could even let guilds lock islands and build a community around their Guild House. One guild house could be a refinery type… another for X, and so forth and so on. Tailoring, leatherworking etc.
Even having a guild lister in your Guild house that lets you put stuff up but not buy from.

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No it wouldn’t. Older games did it just fine.


This is Blizzard we are talking about. They couldn’t even pump out a survival game after 6 years, the same length of time it took for Larian to make Baldur’s Gate 3 lol.


Im also seeing Ion is gaslighting people about Legacy content…why is he still in charge of anything when he acts like that? Can we get rid of him too like we did with Bobby?


You aren’t entitled to anything except access to the server with your sub, it literally specifies this to us. You’re welcome to disagree if it makes you feel better but you’re wrong.


Wrong again. Yes we are indeed entitled to the truth because if not people take their money elsewhere. Are you like working for Blizz cause it sure sounds like it…

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Hello, I see you’ve made a response to a post. The post you see shows relation to the OP, in which does not go against the forums CoC. Flagging a post categorized as “trolling” even when it only states facts cannot make the irony any higher, haha!

Thank you for your post and have a great day!

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Here you go, champ. This tells you everything that you are entitled to with a paid sub. Discussion, explanations, and any communication isn’t listed as part of your paid service. Deal with it.

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