Why can older games that had less money, less tech and less teams give player housing but WoW cant?

To be fair.

The Alliance regularly asks for the same copy of things over and over and over and over and over.

So horse mounts are pretty consistent and fitting. They probably didnt realize in this one specific scenario, the Alliance community would differ.

Pedantry is the death of reason. Pedantry exposes the holes in your position. You know why he called you a classic alt and the reason is truth. Entitlements are not granted by that document you linked, but by the nature of this business association. Blizzard has virtually collapsed and been sold off in an IP salvage auction because they do not respect the entitlements he speaks of. You are wrong and know you are wrong, but just enjoy being extremely hostile to Blizzard customers.

The problem is, how do they make player housing that appeals to most players? It seems that every time there’s a wish-list thread on this topic, there is almost as many different versions of what people want as there are people posting.

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I can actually understand monetizing player housing.

Like if you want to have a bundle of assets, a fancy couch and what-not, I see no harm in putting it in on the store.

Don’t tell blizzard. But I’ve had a great monetization idea for a while now.

Imagine if players could buy a house in stormwind. But there is only one house, maybe a small handful. And players have to bid real money to earn those houses. Make the whales bid against each other. I legit think the auction could reach 10 thousand dollars for a single housing unit. (And if they don’t have an active sub, then the house goes up for auction again. Sort of like a property tax.)

Oh and you could have a guild house. Charge an extra 15 bucks a month to guild leaders. And they can have a cool little instanced area where all their guildies can hang out.

I’m sick. When I checked out FF14 and saw the housing system I almost had a heart attack at all the free money square enix was leaving on the floor.

Blizz simply does not see this as a priority

I think the garrisons were great. Poorly implemented. Maybe.

The phasing is what made it anti- social imo. I got it. Had to be. Technically all of our garrisons were on the exact same plot of land (faction respective of course). The entire continent would’ve been covered in garrisons lol. And we were all the commander general of our faction’s war effort out there.

Good morning General, oh, good morning to you General. Oh, its General Shidifu, how are you today lol.

If there was a way to have them all open, but also have them considered sanctuaries (unless specifically flagged for pvp/war mode. I think that could’ve worked.

Heck even Ultima Online has it from the 1990s. I honeslty dont know why they cant have instanced housing zone like LoTR Online did. Or, at very very least have guild halls like GW2 has.

There is ZERO valid answers Blizz can give to us on why they cant put it into the game. The ONLY answer I would believe is if Ion said they cant get approval for the budget from the higher ups to have it put in.


I mean that is a valid reason from the perspective of the the game developer; players disliking the reason doesn’t magically invalidate it.

The reality of the situation is that Blizzard did speak on the topic, and gave the reason why they haven’t prioritized it. They said it would cost them a raid tier to develop. Could that be a lie? Sure, but absolutely none of us could know for sure. But it’s not as illogical as many make it out to be; when you try to bolt a major feature into an architecture that it wasn’t designed to accommodate, it’s almost always exponentially more expensive than if you designed the architecture to support that feature in the first place. If Blizzard felt player housing was important for WoW in 2000, I’m certain they would have been able to swing it with either a minor delay in release date or not finishing a zone or two. We have no way to know how costly it would be to build today, but I would bet my house that cost would be significantly higher.

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Player housing is a waste of dev time, resources, and money. It will destroy what little community-feel this game has left and will never be what players really want.

The game that had the best housing was Wildstar, which is now taking a dirt nap unfortunately.

Player housing is little to no use in a game that was built without player housing. Hell its often little use in games that were built with them. In order to implement it, it would have to be housed on a seperate instance, seperate from the game world and for what? To have a house no one will see?

What need is it serving to give someone a house when theres no in game mechanic? You don’t need it to craft or sleep. So its just decrative.

Don’t get me wrong, i know tons of people like decorative stuff but without a game mechanic around it, it will just feel hollow and we dont need yet another throw away mechanic.

Why can’t one job offer as good benefits as the other job even though they are both fortune 1000 companies?

(Real situation from my employment history )

Companies have their own philosophy on how they want to run their operations sometimes it’s just that simple.

Just like we as individuals have our own take on what is important and not so important, companies do to … with this history of wow it’s apparent blizzard never put a high priority so far on housing.

Player housing is so pointless. Jesus. It’s the dumbest thing a game can add. Why the hell would we waste time on making a house for our tooms?

No. Just no.

I’d rather have more quests and other pre max level areas to explore. Not, “gee I wonder if I have wood to upgrade my shed to a yurt?”



Bc player housing is dumb and a waste of time and resources.

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Prove that they’re lying… you’re simply making wild statements with nothing to back it up. Other than “MOOOOMMMM other games did it”

Garrisons, or fortified houses, were built in almost all New England towns, and they were particularly common in the frontier towns of Maine and New Hampshire… Like an ordinary house in plan and appearance, garrisons were used in times of peace as one-family dwellings, but were strongly built and capable of protecting a number of families in times of danger."

They did you just don’t accept wows version of player housing it’s the best you’ll get with wow. They likely won’t do it again.

Unless the new thing with your alts can live together in some structure which I’d like. I can watch my alts walk around in home.

Except your answer was just some generic Mr. Obvious comment. Your post feed is full of them. Why do you feel the need to always post the most generic “no duh” comments?

Blizzard is never going to love you back Kiper, that might be an answer you didn’t want to here.

Why the need to always make excuses for a giant soulless company?

A little sunk cost fallacy on display here.

I’ve been saying for years, this company is a mess. OW was destroyed and D4 has become a disaster.

The Alliance is victim of Horde-bias, which is only natural if they ask for High Elves in the first place. Secondly, they are absolutely the low priority player faction in the eyes of Blizzard. Nobody sane would ever give them the Mechagnomes as a full fledged race in the first place.

It’s not that simple and I can also provide actual pictures. They took the assets (saddle, bags, …) from MoP/WoD mounts and copy-pasted them onto the new horses. Absolutely no effort went into making these mounts and that’s why the horse meme is so strong, because it shows how shameful Blizzard acts when they want to.

At least Boralus is a magnificent RP-place, but not many people use it.

I think there should only be guild housing, if it’s ever done. Just give guilds their own instance they can go into. Player housing seems silly in this game to me for some reason, not that I’m opposed to it, it just seems silly, the art and models and stuff.

Orcs will have a hut, Tauren a yurt, trolls a tent and then elves will have like amazing glass architecture and then humans will have stone and then dwarves will have actual iron bunkers. Do you see where I’m going? Horde will get stick huts and Alliance will get opulence basically. It would be weird.

That is a completely unsubstantiated claim.