Why can older games that had less money, less tech and less teams give player housing but WoW cant?

So that wouldn’t be the case if that’s what you had to do to get stuff for your house.
Housing is about building, not about a place to be afk.
I’ve seen screenshots of what people have built on private servers. It’s insane.


I strongly disagree. Have you heard of Epsilon RP? It’s a wow mod/private server, where people build actual better worlds and environments, than Blizzard themselves.

Google a few pictures, it’s insane that a few people can rebuild the whole (!) Eastern Kingdoms within a few months and we still don’t have anything on the live servers.

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Define “older”.

Cause it’s not what they wanted for us. I don’t recall being it a majority demand

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Blizzard has also put out more and better content in place of player housing.

In EQ 1 at least, there hasnt been much content and even the amount of player housing stuff has been cut back. But you lose out on quests and mob density and story and engaging content for.them to flood the loot tables with player housing stuff.

Also Blizzard said they didnt want people holed up in player housing and wanted them out in the world

Would cost a raid tier apparently which considering BFA and Shadowlands cost us raid tier in favour of 4 lame armour sets yuh think that was a load of nonsense excuse.

Well why exactly Everquest 1 and 2 did it then?

Because maybe the reasons why they do it can infer to another reason why Blizzard doesn’t.

I’m not saying they can’t, i’m saying they don’t for a reason here…

Just because were paying, doesn’t mean their obligated to tell us. If anything, it only obligates them to not tell us.

Which took them an entire patch, prehaps longer.

Player housing isn’t something you just switch on or hotfix it in, it takes a long time to put in and make sure things are working as intended. Especially on a game where it never intended to have player housing to begin with. And it’s the same game that has garrisons.

I mean typically that’s how player housing always sort of worked. In that being punching trees and rocks = content. You gather materials to build the house. Unless it’s the Sims. (The Sims Castaway games are the exception)

Think it could be a mixture of “Don’t want to do it” and “Can’t do it” in the sense that the dev quite honestly may not have the budget for it, for some stupid reason, and thus prompted Ion’s “It would cost us a raid tier” comment.

It still does baffle me though that Blizz, for all their supposed greediness, refuses to tap the gold mine that is player housing. That said, this is also Blizzard we’re talking about, do we really want them handling something simple like player housing knowing that’s a fair chance they will stuff it up somehow?

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You must be new here, in GD we love stating the obvious almost as much as we love denying the obvious.

Doesn’t mean much when WoW was not designed to feature it from the start. None of the systems for player housing are in place.

Chris Kaleiki, a former WoW dev, said that WoWs code is so old and poorly documentated that fixing a WQ in BFA broke a boss in the Firelands raid. Simple tasks that would normally be fixed/completed in a day can take over a week. He called it (paraphrasing) “navigating a field full of landmines”. This is why it took them so long to expand the starting backpack as well. And why some bugs go unfixed for years.

WoW’s foundation is an upside down pyramid, threatening to topple over at the slightest gust of wind.


When Blizzard was raking in roughly 180 million a month in subscription fees, they had the budget to choose to do what every they wanted to do and chose not to do those things. Instead that money went to pay shareholders instead of upgrading the engine, servers, QoL features common in most games at that time. So, Blizzard is now playing catch-up on features common in some of those and current games with a decreased budget due to the game not being as popular anymore.

I believe one of the major upgrades they did to the system was during Cataclysm where they changed a lot of the original game maps and added other features to the old world. For them to add more features, they have to work within that game engine that they used and have decided to not to upgrade without re-working a lot of the game.

Now there is talk about hey let’s not do player housing because it is dumb and not many people would use it. Problem is we can throw around statistics all we want about what people would like and not like and I could say the introduction of Mythic is for a much smaller base than say player housing. I however would never have the data to back up my statement, but I could hyperbole it probably for a few replies.

Long post short, some people are going to like player housing, and some aren’t. Just because you don’t like something and think it is a waste of time doesn’t mean others do. Remember the content that you play made not be used by huge chunks of the player base (sorry I can’t prove that) but judging by the new direction of adding more solo friendly content maybe they do have that data to prove it.

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The player base that would actively engage in player housing content that doesn’t actively contribute to player power is miniscule. It might be a cool feature, but it’s just not worth the dev time.

At this point, if you want it, go find a game that has it.

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I assume that it’s just what the game engine is designed to do. Garrisons show they have no problem giving us a personal space, but when people talk housing the talk turns to dreams of like elder scrolls or similar levels of being able to set it up, and we haven’t seen anything where we can place something wherever in the world we want it, just in places where they have designated.

It seems like with a lot of stuff wow is centered around hand created stuff. The models aren’t designed in a way that is friendly to scaling or specific color choices because the skins have some details baked in that don’t play well with those features.

I’ll admit I’m lightly opposed to it being added to WoW, but purely because I’m worried that it would be such an involved change to the game code that they feel they need to have that be a central theme of the expansion it might launch in. If they could just add it in as completely optional content that’s different. I’m just worried it’ll be forced on us like the garrisons to the gameplay at that time since it was so much work. Hopefully if they can do it, I’m wrong about it so we can all be happy, but that’s just my worry about it.

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Tell me you no nothing without telling me you know nothing. Average video game developer salary is $115k. You are out here acting like blizzard is giving em $25/hour.

Fact is, they don’t want to put housing in the game. Is there much of a demand for it in WoW? For a theme park MMO it’s not really high on most peoples list. I play this game to follow the story and collect xmogs/pets/mounts. I am not alone. The amount of players looking for housing out of this game has to be incredibly small though.

Sandbox MMO’s however, it’s almost mandatory.


They’re incapable of making it well.


They don’t want it, though. They want to endlessly complain about it.

If they actually wanted it, the focus would be on improving and updating the garrison, instead of the “REEEEEE GARRISONS AREN’T HOUSING” line they always spew instead.

Considers Cataclysm and all the changes it included, apart from merely almost entrely reshaping the world

Dragonriding. Just the first thing that came to mind. How many more examples would you like me to create a mini wall of text with?

And I will even compare it to ph.
Garrison - an instanced area that included a limited set of changeable options. Not true player housing but the technology of it was the same as used in other games with housing. Sunsong Ranch in MoP is the same on a smaller basis.
Gathering materials that could be used in ph: WoD introduced lumberjack, where you could go around and cut down trees and collect wood. Gathering proffs already let you gather materials that could be used to make items.
Choose a house: untold thousands of empty houses exist across the game. You can walk into them, sit down on chairs, look out windows, climb stairs. All the mechanics of structure is already there.

Could go on, but thats probably enuf.

Pretty much everything they have added in DF has broken the game and caused a bunch of bugs…I’m starting to doubt the game engine is designed to support WoW anymore let alone something complex like player housing, lol.

I still can’t get over how many bugs there are in the new digs.

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The lack of player housing has never been due to some idea that it can’t be added. It hasn’t been included because the developers don’t want to add it. Therefore, it is a low priority.


I’m a little unclear what new tech you are considering that didn’t exist in Wrath,

(I’m focusing on this because, although I can’t claim to be an expert, I believe that there’s a big divide between the sort of customization people want in housing and the way the game currently handles objects in the world; I’d be happy to be proven wrong)

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