Why can older games that had less money, less tech and less teams give player housing but WoW cant?

Nobody said they could. Feel free to do so. lol


Your link also says NOTHING about what we are entitled to with a paid sub as far as what you listed. You can’t even provide a decent link? smh I’d post on my classic alt too. :clown_face:

Any company worth its salt cares about customer feedback. Nota bene – customer feedback is not prohibited by the ToS either.


Seems you answered your own question.

They could juice up the garrison. A system where there are assigned spots, and you can put items from a menu in those spots.

That’s all the game can handle.

It can’t handle free-form building.

You can’t even drop items on the ground and pick them up again, in WoW.

Because they were designed that way. I could drop items on the ground and pick them up again in Asheron’s Call or Dark Age of Camelot or any number of games that were designed years before World of Warcraft.

Because they were designed that way.

WoW wasn’t.


Create a feature wish list for what you define as “housing”.

Look at WoW’s world engine and ask if you see if each feature implemented in some form anywhere already?

Consider that WoW tends to be very conservative in doing new things with the world engine. If the feature doesn’t involve simply phasing spaces/objects in and out, it seems to be a hard sell to get the devs to risk experimenting with it.

While garrison did isolate us to some degree, that which ultimately killed the social aspect in wow was blizzard not shutting down the carry spam which only escalated and drowned out any and all chatter in the default global channel “/2 trade”.

And professions were untouched from the usual flow outside of a gimmic here and there, or the mining/herb farm in our garrison.


For the same reason that this game, even in 2024, fails to implement simple things like sliders for body height etc., color palettes and other features that have been considered standard for over a decade.


Current Blizzard will just take the fun right out of it. It will be turned into a micro transaction thing that you can buy upgrades for using real life money and then will also turn into a questing hub from which you have to grind lots just to get it going. So no. No player housing.

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The current implementation is fine as is. Sliders is not a silver bullet nor is it even perfect. Nor is it reliable.

These people that constantly asking for housing still doesn’t get it.

If you want a house so bad just get a van and live down by the river…housing problem solved.



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Because players like yourself will spin their public comments to the worst possible conclusion:

  • If Ion says, “Player housing isn’t something we’re currently looking to add to the game.” People will react with, “Ion doesn’t want player housing.” (This isn’t what he said – priorities have been – and will always be – part of any effort to create a product.)
  • If Ion says, “WoW’s engine was never designed to support player housing. Adding it to the engine will take a long time and many resources, almost certainly at the cost of other possible features.” People will react with, “Multi-Dollar company.” (As if mindlessly throwing money at an idea means it’ll be successfully developed. BG3 put Larian at risk of bankruptcy multiple times, take a wild guess about what happens when you have a [dumb] legal obligation to maximize profits for investors – Bobby/Phil will shut it down.)

CIV7 could be more epic if it were more like Animal Crossing. I want to go around my enemy’s territories and do a political takeover of the villagers by filling their museums with fossils and animal exhibits.

  • CIV just doesn’t play this way, of course. I’m sure the engine could support it, but it’d clearly require a whole lot of effort to add to the game. CIV7 should be out in 2024, but this feature might add 2-4 years of development time, especially developing the art assets.

I’m not giving them a pass. But I’m not delusional to the time and effort required to duct tape spaghetti code to an engine that’s over 20 years old.


Or dress-up options for the leaders and they can compete in beauty pageants.

Surely that will increase Civ7’s sales many times over.


You joke, but the most profitable (mobile) games are those where you play dress-up. Some real Zoolander PVP. LOL

(For reference: League of Legends, effectively, sells digital art. There’s been very little innovation in MOBAs since DOTA compared to other genres.)

Getting nuked by Gandhi in full drag would make for a lot of interesting recations.

Our words are backed with RED CHIFFON AND NINE INCH STILETTOS.


It’s not in their wheelhouse to do it. Look at the other games that have player housing. They monetize the absolute crap out of their games. Play for free option, play with a sub option, and thousands upon thousands of dollars in cosmetics and little dlcs. Stuff like that is how the other games help fund the games themselves. Wow is still one of the only mmos that works on a plain subscription plan style. The others went that root cause they had to, to keep the game afloat.

Nope, but it is the most useless thing they can add to a game that’s about getting out in the world exploring ,questing and killing stuff


netcode issue, spaghetti. old guts