Why Calia must die

Plus Blobs already got a kickass theme song. Warning; this will get stuck in your head.

Calia is a Dreadlord, Balnazzar. I will eat my face if I am wrong.

She only existed in Shadowlands to release Mal’ganis from Revendreth. She never got closure for Arthas as was teased as to why she was there. She just sat around in Oribos for a whole expansion spying on us for Sire Denathrius. Whie the Dreadlords teased us that they have already infiltrated us.

Yknow a side note to the goofy blob idea is I would like something that alleviates the natural pain that Forsaken feel, lets them feel a little more normal and all.


That seems difficult. Not impossible of course but difficult.

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Clearly you’ve never seen Silence of the Lambs.

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It’s been a long time. I did try fava beans with a cetane wine once. Not bad, but I substituted seafood for the liver.


How did she choose to become a light undead if she was dead and unable to make decisions?

If you don’t want Calia then atleast the Alliance would accept her into the Faction.

Please, for God’s sake, take her.


She is an alliance character anyway so I beg you of it. TAKE HER AWAY FROM US!

Madrigala makes a good point. It can be a bit confusing and easily missed. I think it doesn’t get mentioned often enough in these Calia discussions. But I guess it sort of leads to no where.

According to Sarah (the Naaru I forget how you spell it) , Calia came back in a form she wanted to. Like she could have come back as a total Undead, she could have come back alive, but she wanted the form she returned with.

It is kind of confusing… like she saw a blue Kyrian maybe as she was dead and wanted to look like that, but paler?

I think this is one of those moments where Golden just has something in mind and doesn’t even consider what the hell she is putting on the page. Sort of like the scene with Genn’s tail.

I get that there was some dramatic license involved, to show that Calia will no longer be tortured with nightmares, since she doesn’t need to sleep.

TLDR : Apparently she had options about how to return.


She’s not an evil alliance spy she’s just a really hamfisted character whose presence is inexplicably tolerated by both the cult of forgotten shadows (who are anti holy) and… every ex-scourge, who you’d think would be less than welcoming of the sister of Arthas Menethil.

Her personality is fine. Well written in a vacuum. Just everything else about her is cringe.

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The Cult of Forgotten Shadows isn’t anti-holy, it’s just not purely fixated on it like the Church of Holy Light is. They acknowledge the Light failed them so they emphasize the role Shadow plays, but ultimately you’ve got to know light in order to know shadow.


It’s not pro Church of Light. Calia is like 100 percent holy energy because she’s a lightforged being. Maybe she’ll practice shadow magic eventually, in which case there’s room for the cult to be more accepting of her. The whole I AM ARTHAS’ SISTER thing is probably the bigger deal though.

Yeah, I mean, it’s something brought up in the game so we’ll see if they develop that line further. That said? I don’t know how the Forsaken functioned as a society for years if they’d have similar problems with Lich King-esque stuff. Like the fact alone that one of their biggest military strengths is a chemical weapon of mass destruction that has a small chance of turning you into a mindless undead feels so boggling to me. I’m not saying they’d be pacifists, but I’d think most Forsaken would have a healthy distaste of something like it, especially after it landed them in hot water with Wrathgate. And that’s not even getting into Sylvanas’s whole “We have to keep making more of us” deal.

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The “we have to make more of us” makes sense because of the scarlet crusade context. Forsaken fear annhilation. And they would definitely be easily annhilated without the use of necromancy–usually used on the living that tried to kill them in the first place.

I mean lots of individual forsaken are far from innocent and the plague isn’t solely used on aggressors. But culturally I do think it makes sense that the forsaken are expecting the next scarlet crusade 2.0.

You know, I hated Calia until I saw her model and realized she had a nice pair of… uhhh ideals that made her fit in with the forsaken. Now I like her.

Jokes aside, I don’t care too much cuz they stuck her on a council instead of making her the sole leader.

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A word of warning. The word you and others are using is considered Anti-Semitic by some circles because it reinforces a nasty stereotype regarding a specific ethnic group. When it is used, it is most of the time employed in a highly disparaging manner designed to paint said ethnicity as money hungry individuals that would do anything to maximize profit, even if it meant conning their customers, by planting individuals in a crowd that give false testimony.

As such, members of that ethnic background tend to find it deeply offensive and a wildly inappropriate racial slur. Because of that, please refrain from further use of it. Thank you.

  • Me for some reason not remembering what Calia even looks like.
  • Me going to Google.
  • Me slowly nods approvingly


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I can’t find any indication that shill is anti-Semitic. It means someone who is disingenuously advertising a service or product with the goal of tricking customers into purchasing it. It comes from shillaber, which is tied to carnival workers who’d pretend to be audience members while working for the carnival.