Why Calia must die

I can’t quite find any evidence that it’s in reverence to Jewish people in specific, though I wouldn’t be surprised if it has some ties to being used in reference to Jewish people like a lot of “Follow the money” anti-semetic type conspiracy stuff. That said? I’m not quite certain Erevien cares about stuff like that >_>


I looked it up, this is not a thing from what i can find. Not sure where you got all that from.


Just because it is not widely documented, does not mean that the term does not exist or that it is not used in that manner. This is why I said some circles. But then again, this is typical of the forums.

Ask politely for refrainment from a certain word, because it is offensive, and if it inconveniences the puling masses even remotely; they push back frantically research the matter to prove they are right.

The idea that they might be saying something very insulting does not matter to them. All that matters is that they prove themselves right at all costs. So instead they rage and waste energy, when they could instead of done the decent human thing and say: “Hey, I was not aware of that definition of it. My apologies if it came off as offensive or disparaging.”

In addition to the prior anti-Semitic connotation I mentioned, that revolting term also has a root in early anti-Irish and anti-Catholic sentiments as well. This is because it was also used heavily by the “Patriot” factions of the inner-city America.

The reason they chose that word specifically, was because it was the shortening of another word. For some context, early police circa 1850-1940 were predominately Irish (due to the migration caused by the Potato Famine).

In addition to being a good job, most if not all police carried batons or what the Irish called ‘Shillelaghs’. Hence the word was shortened by the Patriot faction to refer to such people as ‘sell-outs’, sub-humans, or the enemy. Eventually it branched out and became a major slur against Jewish people, since the ‘Patriot’ faction considered Jewish people to be the primary backers and financiers of the police.

The term survives to modern day as in general a slur used for anyone deemed “sell-out” but it’s original purpose, and the reason behind it’s creation, as an anti-Irish and anti-Semitic slur has apparently been forgotten because the Internet likes to delete history.

All I said was I can’t find this information, I even spent time looking for what you just told me. Words change in meaning all though out history but I cant seem to find much mention on this ever being used as a slur.


It’s not that words are offensive. But rather, you’re just offendable.

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Oh really? I suppose under that brand of novel logic you would view using other slurs, such as the N word to be simply a case of someone being offendable as well? Lovely logic! Try that on the street or in the workplace and see how well it goes over for you.

Sorry but I respectfully, and completely disagree with you, and reject that argument.

I’ve given the history of the word, I’ve asked people to refrain from it’s use because it’s offensive to certain groups. Further use of the word will result in me (and others) reporting the posts. It is offensive even if you do not know the reason why, and there are certain words that should never be used because they ‘are’ offensive.

THIS will be my last post.

I’ll simply report people who use the word from here on. Good day.

The usage of the N word as a slur is highly documented, is tied to a lot of incredibly painful history and is still used as a slur to this day. The term “shillegagh” doesn’t even have the same etymology as “shill”, nor it’s used in the same context.

You are speaking nonsense and the fact you are comparing the two is unhinged and actually offensive.



It’s pretty simple.
I do not advocate people needlessly rude to others. But at the end of the day, if a word offends you, you have never experienced true hardship.

I am literally the group you are claiming its offensive towards and I never heard of it used that way. Mate, if you dont like the word just do as you are saying and report and move on. I highly doubt any action will be taken because its not a slur…I am sorry but the internet does not “delete history”, very the opposite.
If you dont like the word being used against you just tell the person thats not nice and you would like them to not.

I mean…you already said that.


I gave a cursory Google search myself and I didn’t find any link to the word with antisemitism. If it IS a slur for a group, I think people would be appreciative to know? It’s just that some sort of proof would be required if it’s not common knowledge.

Otherwise, it doesn’t seem like it’s a reportable word, and would be abuse of the system to flag posts for using it.


I was going to say, I looked up the word and found a lot of definitions for it, but no history of it being a slur. And my family is part Irish and I’ve never heard of it being an anti-Irish slur


Also can I just point out the absolute clownery that is comparing a word that you won’t even dare actually type in a post (and for good reason) to a word you included several times in a post which you claim was allegedly used as a term to refer to…

checks notes



Shillelaghs I’m only seeing be used positively in irish contexts.

Antisemetic language and trends are pretty well documented and there’s just nothing coming up for me. If it is a thing it’s very niche/obscure.

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Absolutely nothing that sock-puppet user said was correct.

God I absolutely LOATHE the damn alt-jumping sock-puppet nonsense on these forums


“Shill” is not anti-Semetic. The word comes from shillaber a ye olde English word for somebody who pretends to be a satisfied customer as a form of duplicitous advertisement. It has nothing to do with Jewish people. In fact, you randomly seeing a word associated with someone being greedy and thinking about Jews randomly says more about you than anything.


Honestly I don’t get why someone would sock-puppet to try and call Erevien out. I’ve seen people just talk about him and his banned German-forum type ethics before, no need to sock-puppet lmao

I originally wanted her as sole leader, but I really love the council idea. It allowed for all sides to come together and it gives the Forsaken an out should they decide to blight something.

I’m still of the opinion that Calia is at least partially influenced by Saa’ra the Naaru. And why is this important?

What do the void hate more than anything? Isn’t it the undead because they can’t be controlled or influenced?

So what better way for some Naaru to get control of an undead army than the current princess of said army?

That’s my guess!

I think Erevien is nuts but he’s right this time. Calia is a terribly written character that Blizzard pulled out of their asses, same level as Medan, and like him , she should be in page 404.

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