Why Calia must die

So the First Horde that lost the war they started, even though it was due to Gul’dan betraying Doomhammer, was the best time for the Horde?

This is why people mock you, this is why others think you want the worst thigns for the Horde.

The legacy of Thrall is the Legacy of the Orcs on Draenor before the Legion. he did not erase our history, he RESTORED our history, the history of what the orcs were like before the demon blood.

If the Orcs/Horde were to be compared to a nation in the real world, it would be Germany, with the Horde of WCII being the period of time from the 1930s-40s, Thrall wanting to return it to the period of time of WWI or earlier and the dark part of the history not forgotten but learned from.

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The Horde united as an army. That was their purpose. We defeated Stormwind when united and only lost due to betrayl thrice now. Gul’dan, Vol’jin and Saurfang they all want to see the real Horde fail because they love their human friends more then they support their faction. If we want to eradicate the alliance for good then Baine and Thrall must fall.

We don’t even know if this actually happened. Even if it did, the council rules by consensus, she can’t unilaterally give Gilneas back. So if it did happen, a majority of the council was in agreement.

Just a thought, you might have better luck uniting the Horde if you focused more on kicking the Alliance off of Horde lands then eradicating the Alliance. One would likely see a Horde victory as we would just be claiming the land that was supposed to be ours via peace treaty (Azshera) or taming/conquest (Durotar/Barrens/Tirisfal and Silverpine) the other would likely see another Horde LOSS as it would be the only way the game could continue.

And they might have decided to do so partly because they lacked the man power to keep it under control.


I don’t really care for our land that much. I just want the alliance community to feel the same humiliation I felt when Blizzard ruined the Horde back in Bfa.

And then members of the Alliance community would be demanding the Horde feels the same humiliation AGAIN. It is bad enough that some of them cry “HORDE BIAS” because Horde drive the story. YOu come down on MHPs, well to some of us, you are just teh Horde version of thjose and BOTH OF YOU need to find games or something that fit your desires.

The alliance never humiliates. There is no title alliance breaker. We didn’t siege Stormwind twice and Varian is still the only leader they lost over years. The hammer hit the Horde harder every time.

And alliance complain because that hammer did not eradicate us. Keep in mind, some of the alliance complaints about bias are just due to the fact that the HORDE IS ABLE TO CONTINUE.

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If we want to open about fairness then the amount of times alliance loses both lands, characters and the overall war has to be reversed at least two times. Swtor does it right. Last war after Makeb the republic was losing hard and only Zakuul attacking stopped the Empire from utterly wrecking them and the Jedi.

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If we want to talk about overall fairness, then it is PAST time the Alliance got the villain bat, every single time the Horde has lost land, characters and the overall war has been because the Horde, or at least the leader of it, was smashed with that villain bat.


I don’t want the alliance to be villains. I just want them to lose regardless of whom starts it.

The ONLY way the alliance loose is if they start the fight. If the horde does it, that just means more losses and another possible horde leader biting the bullet

I don’t want them to lose moral highground that would be mean.

I like how during this whole thing, he just says really dumb things and then dies

its funny to see still people talk about power levels like they mean something in this story

It does. Characters like Malfurion, Jaina and Alleria can change the tide of battle on their own. Malfurion with the whisp wall.
Alleria teleporting an entire army.
And Jaina freezing the ocean.

Who said they had to, at least as far as the alliance player base? They could paint it as bringing the Horde to “Justice” and carry it out like the BFA pre patch, only instead of something getting burned/destroied at the order of the Alliance leader, it is done either by a traitor within the Horde or a neutral party that needs the factions fighting to do their work.

Keep in mind, they could have kept from villain batting the Horde for BFA by:

  1. having Teldrassil happen AFTER Lordaeron
  2. having Teldrasil burn for any other reason then Sylvanas ordering it

But NO, Horde got the villain bat again because we can’t have gray writing.


29 characters

Seriously seeing as Faranell is no doubt hard at work reverse engineering the insights gained from that House of Plagues sample, I think the first creation on the docket should be the Forsaken’s answer to Kevin the Birthday Blob.

I’d actually steal an idea from the SCP Foundation. SCP-199 is a friendly little ball of goop who induces feelings of profound happiness in everyone in comes into contact with.

I’d say give the Forsaken something like that. They’ve weird little friendly gloop friends who cause severe acidic burning and intense feelings of existential despair when in contact with the living.

But they restore necrocrotic flesh and inspire feelings of elation in the undead.

Call them Bloberts or something.

How dare you sir! This is my emotional support vicious viscous ooze!”

Ooo maybe they could communicate through popping bubbles and are semi sapient. They’re all part of a semi hivemind and join together to form big ooze Maldraxxi monsters in wartime or to solve bigger tasks.

Mainly the Forsaken keep them around as sort of custodians/pets. They get all the food they need from dissolving the trash and biomatter strewn around Tirisfal. Just make 'em good natured little gloops who love to be helpful and give hugs. Which, of course, makes them completely terrifying to the living.

I’m picturing the Forsaken putting up signs with the silhouettes of allied and enemy living to show them who does and doesn’t need a hug.


SCP-999 actually! 199 is a weird plant.

It’d be a weirdly cute idea and I’m totally here for it though, keeps the macabre because it’s just not good for the living, but the undead just love the thing, like living catnip with the gus.

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