Why Calia must die

Are you familiar with the concept of “underdog beats the odds”?

This was straining for credibility even before that dumb Ask A Dev post Wrath interview.

I maintain that just to keep the edgelord RPers happy they ought to say since Light operates on belief perhaps it will burn those that believe it should.

And if you’d ask why people would still burn even though there’s walking contradictions to their argument? Well welcome to the exciting world of organized religion.

Nah Calia’s gotta stay. They need her. Badly.

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If it’s purely an image problem I’m sure the Forsaken can always borrow Kevin the Birthday Party Blob from Maldraxxus.

Kevin is a surefire way to make the G fall off the Graveyard sign;

I’d say he’s the life of the party but unlike life, with Kevin the party never ends.


Kevin for President 2024

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No we don’t. She is just a spoiled princess who get the MHPs of the community alls excited.

It is a public image problem. The Forsaken’s last leader was a tyrannical warmongering traitor who helped a death god nearly wipe out reality.

That’s not a good look. Running around with tabards and banners of the woman who betrayed you and nearly killed everyone sends the wrong message.

Is Calia kinda cringe? Yes, obviously but the forsaken are in a delicate position and need a positive newcomer that wasn’t working for Sylvanas. She is a bit too bright though, she could use a bit of an edge. Also I think having an undead who is seemingly resistant to the light as a leader could be a boon. Even more so as most of the Horde Leaders are warriors who can’t cast magic or very little magic. It evens the playing field with the Alliance who primarily consist of magic casting or magically empowered leaders.


The alliance will never be our friends so I couldn’t care less what they think of our leadership.

That problem exists because the world building was for a long time pretty much in favor of the alliance including their OP leaders that puts the Horde at disadvantage on purpose. And that will remain so for as long as Golden, Danuser and Copeland are in charge of the story.

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It’s not just the Alliance. It’s the Horde’s opinion of them as well.

Do you think they want to put up with a bunch of nihilistic zombies who could potentially wipe out all life on Azeroth out of spite? They need to know whose side the Forsaken are on. Are they with the Horde or are they going to be loyal to the ideals of Sylvanas?


being on the side of Sylvanas means winning and getting Lordaeron. Being on the side of the Horde just means giving up 80% of their land to the alliance. So that choice is easy.

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Sylvanas literally sacrificed Lordaeron / the Undercity to the Alliance in the 4th war and abandoned the Forsaken.

The Forsaken NEED the Horde. No Horde means no one is coming to save them if the Alliance tries to take Lordaeron again. The Forsaken will be exterminated and I wouldn’t be surprised if the Argents stepped in to assist in removing them from Lordaeron as the Forsaken won’t be able to hide under the Horde’s banner to keep them safe.

So their decision is really play nice with the other kids or join their Dark Lady in the Shadowlands.


Even as part of the Horde the council would do nothing cuz they try to avoid ALL conflict.

Except you don’t know that because the Horde Council isn’t dealing with a war on the scale of the 4th war. You just don’t like them because they aren’t a bunch of chest thumping barbarians like the Old Horde, which got their butts handed to them and were either put into internment camps or ran back to the Outland with their tails between their legs.

Until the Horde Council is put the test against a serious political conflict with the Alliance you are throwing baseless accusations.


Which means that Blizzard would have to make the conflict come to them. Every war that the horde lost or ended in a stalemate the Horde STARTED. The Alliance, under Anduin, wanted to avoid conflict too, but they did not back down when conflict came to them.

If there is any decent writer in Blizzard now, they will keep the councils but make the alliance, under Turalyon or Yrel, the aggressors and then more or less write the reverse of what happened in the 4th/5th wars ending in s HORDE “victory”, likely with Stormwind sieged.

That is a scenario that will never happen. I have been playing this game since 2006 and for as long as the same writers are in charge the Horde wil always lose because alliance players are used to be the winning side. I can make a bet about this and the newt 3 years you lose.

Never say never.

Lol, I have been playing longer, and what I called back to with the idea was the fact that Daelin Proudmore (Jaina’s dad) attacked the orcs and LOST.

What most of us who have played the game longer have seen is that the AGRESSORS are the ones that LOSE, I.E. the REACTING faction is the winner.

I am not saying it will happen, but the way Blizzard operates seems to be more attackers lose, defenders win.

Sorry meant 2006. Damm typo.

The stronger side wins. That would be the entire alliance. Daelin only had Kul Tiras while the Horde was freshly fortified and Jaina stepped aside. We won’t be this lucky next time and we almost had a second SoO.

Not always, we have beaten stronger forces before, keep in mind when the Horde went on the offensive, they likely thought that they weere just as wtrong, or stronger, then the alliiance, or at least the alliance members they would be attacking.

The way it has been going is:

Horde Attacks->Alliance get roughed up, suffering losses with maybe a few wins (In BFA, Anduin lamented that they were being forced to field fresh recruits too much)->Someone in the Horde betrays the Horde for some reason->Alliance pull out a victory with the Horde rebels.

Aside from the Horde rebels part, this is how the story has gone since WCII. It is just too easy to see a true Horde victory going like:

Alliance attacks->Horde get roughed up and suffer losses with maybe a few wins->someone in the alliance betrays them for some reason (say if Turalyon is the leader, Anduin is the leader of the Alliance rebels)-?Horde pull off a victory with the aid of the Alliance Rebels


WC2 was the best time for the Horde. Everything that cames after was just Thrall erasing our history. I reject him and everything his leagcy stands for.