Why argue for dual spec?

Lay people are amusing as can be…

Hearsay is not a synonym for rumor, lies, deceit, unverified, or anything of the sort. Hearsay is also not synonymous with inadmissible evidence since there are a plethora of hearsay exceptions as well as statements that are strictly defined as not hearsay.

No particular person’s statement is being offered up for the truth of the statement itself, but rather the fact that people have in fact made statements at all on these forums. That’s definitionally not hearsay.


Change an original mechanic of the game? They couldn’t even keep the servers alive, worst gaming experience ever.

Thank you for your valued input.

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Lol, got dual spec yet?

Yeah ‘rumor’ is only in the definition of hearsay but lets not let that get in the way of those who want to believe their own fairy tales.

Feywaif said people told him they would use dual specs to tank and heal pugs. He cant substantiate those claims being made. Its the literal definition of hearsay.

I would disgree with that seeing as I asked for truth laden proof and thats what was offered but if we take your incorrect spin to be true then we can all agree its a far fetched theory that does nothing to undermine the very real fact that TBC doesnt warrant dual specs.

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What do you mean, I’ve said this too, as well has others in every single dual spec thread. Did you miss them? Or are you suggesting that you just don’t believe people who said that they would do it, would actually do it.

That’s still not hearsay by the way. Hearsay is only for evidence not provided by a direct witness in court (people who bring evidence are still witnesses, even if they are detectives). If you’re using that as your criteria for definition, the entire forums are the court, some players are the lawyers (these outspoken few) and blizzard is the judge and jury. The fact that independent witnesses have made statements is not hearsay. A lawyer can reference witness testimony and it isn’t hearsay. If a witness said that they read/heard someone say something somewhere else outside of the court, that would be hearsay - but the fact that it’s all contained here on these searchable forums, makes it not hearsay.

Hope that helps you clarify the definition of what hearsay actually means, and maybe you’ll find other words to describe what it is you mean that aren’t attempts to sound smarter than you actually are.

It doesnt matter what I believe because Im not trying to pass them off as an argument or a really sound theory. Im asking for verifiable proof of your claims and you cant give them to me - your personal beliefs are not facts. Facts are facts.

Im using the dictionary definition of hearsay, not how its applied in a court of law because we’re not in a court of law and dual specs arent on trial.

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By definition hearsay refers to court proceedings and the introduction of evidence, and whether it’s admissible. The definition is quite clear, and I have provided it to you above.

If you’re referring to google’s definition, it still does not apply.

It is not a rumor or insubstantial that people have posted that they would use dual spec. You can find many many posts stating so. A rumor would be saying something that was without evidence. The evidence is all over these forums, and you have participated in many of these threads. One can only assume that you are completely ignoring the evidence, like you ignore Patrick Dawson’s interview.

At this point it’s probably best to just hope for WOTLK Classic launch ASAP since people are just taking breaks till Sunwell phase comes into play.

Its unsubstantiated that these people will use dual specs to utilize tanking and healing specs for the sole purpose of tanking and healing pugs to a very noticeable degree. Thats the claim being made and what Im addressing.

I asked Feywaif for proof of this and he said he read people saying thats what they would do. He received second hand information that he cant prove - hearsay. Completely valid criticism since thats exactly what it is.

Its not evidence. Both you and Feywaif both used the term “believe”. Beliefs are not facts or evidence.

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If he is reading this on these forums, in these threads, then what you’re doing is just calling everyone he is referencing a liar - which does not make it hearsay. Because the information is all contained here on these forums and not from some random place, where the discussion is not happening, it makes it not hearsay.

I’m still not sure you understand the difference between conjecture, assumption, suggestion, and hearsay.

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cool… cool… cool

So to you when someone says they are going to do something, that isn’t done yet, it’s Hearsay… :face_with_monocle:


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Im asking for proof to back the claim that dual specs in TBC is all but guaranteed to significantly improve dps dungeon queue times - its not my fault his he decided to use second hand information on a game forum that he cant prove one bit as factual evidence.

Doesnt look like your semantical tire spinning is getting us any closer to that either. You both used the word believe and since youre accusing me of accusing people of lying then your big on belief and all I can do is remind you once again that your personal beliefs and theories are not facts.

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No it becomes hearsay when someone else tells you thats the information they got from someone else and they cant prove that information to any reasonable persons satisfaction - as is the case here.


Please provide proof for any claim about anything that will happen that hasn’t happened yet. Are you completely daft?

You can’t ask someone to provide proof of future action. This is the basis of business, and risk. If you don’t understand the fundamentals of risk, then you don’t belong in these discussions. If businesses could predict everything, we would have no bad products, no failed restaurants, or failed games - because nobody would try anything unless they knew the future.

I can prove dual spec hasn’t been added to TBCC,


Excellent work, would you like a cookie?

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Are you? You’re asking me to prove you wrong on something you cant prove when the burden is on you to prove it since your making the claim.

Then dont make claims about the future? Seems pretty obvious to me that no one should be making those claims and if they do those claims are unverifiable and therefore garbage and therefore not an argument for dual specs. Like Ive said 1000 times.

Seriously, take a whiff of what youre shoveling instead of holding me accountable for your complete lack of accountability - and common sense.

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Proof was given. Both Feywaif and myself said we would that is at least 2 people that would tank dungeons if the option was available.

do you need more?

Dual Spec would allow me to switching between bear-tanking instances and unkillable-healer’ing in battlegrounds, on a whim.

I would enjoy dual spec for tbc. I plan on being a paladin tank, and this would make it so I could heal or dps when I want to without wasting time farming gold for respecs, and my time could be better spent tanking or filling other roles for my friends or community.

well here’s 2 more just from google. So it’s not “Just Hearsay”

No, what he is asking for is not whether people have said that they would use dual spec.

He’s asking for proof that they did use dual spec, when it hasn’t been implemented yet as some sort of effort to gatekeep it from happening, so he can fulfill his own prophecy.

His brain is twisted in a knot, the synapses aren’t firing, the electrical signals are going in circles.

The only proof that’s available that people would take advantage of dual spec in TBC is from private servers, but of course that means nothing to him - as it’s not Blizzard’s release of TBCC.

He will only relent his point if blizzard implements dual spec in TBCC, and someone links a youtube video of themselves swapping specs to join a heroic pug.