Why aren't we the doing recruit a friend program again?

It was released before the original WOTLK. It was present for the entire duration of the original WOTLK.

Some people just really really hate the idea of other people leveling quickly huh? Playing with friends. Socializing. Growing population. More subscribers. All bad ideas?

Make it make sense from any perspective besides the grumpies that want everyone to suffer?


Slow leveling is good; this isn’t retail where the majority of the content is at 80. Most of the content is otw to max level. Even in modern MMORPGs fast leveling is bad.

FFXIV is the current king of MMOs and has the slowest leveling out of all the current big MMOs

Blizzard would prefer new players buy a 70 boost


If that was true, more people would be playing vanilla classic than retail or wotlk.

Maybe you’re just. Oh I don’t know…Wrong?

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We’re all playing cat girls waiting for SoM2 so yes I am right and most people are with me cat girl dancing.

But also sells 2 kinds of boosts to skip leveling and story.

Literally the only people who use em are WoW refugees rofl. If you don’t level and go through the story the old fashion way that community is very quick to shun you.

RAF would flood the game with “bots”. some would go well…lets dual box this at 300% XP.

and now they got 40000 more reports of bots.

and the “bots” fight it and say nah…I wasn’t botting blizzard. I was RAF dual boxing and didn’t feel like talking to some random dude. Didn’t even see the chats or hear the whisper sound as I play with a nice soundtrack and turn off game sound.

so the reason for no RAF is CS would be working twice as hard to revert bans for RAF dual boxers lol. the funny tin foil theory…that has a touch of truth to it possibly.

got a citation for that claim? SE wouldn’t sell boosts if only a small minority of people were buying them.

Is it only WOW refugees buying boosts from sketchy websites?
Is it only wow refugees botting on FF servers?

Tbh that would make sense. The bot problem due to DKs and boosts is higher than it’s ever been in WoW history per capita.

Anyone who’s ever played FFXIV and joined a decent FC knows you don’t skip the story\leveling process or you get big shunned and left out of a ton of conversation. When the leveling process is good and the game design supports it it’s great. When the game design doesn’t it’s WoW.

GoT a CiTaTiOn 4 tHoSE ClAIms

yes and no one in FF buys boosts from blazingboosts and bots in the game, or uses addons.


There’s no way they’d go through the effort to get that to work in Classic.

Much simpler just to sell a boost.

I don’t even know what that is. Sounds like projection. You one of the Faerlina RMT arena players? Rofl

They’ve actually made addons in general against TOS but some people still use damage meters illegally.
Unlike WoW addons aren’t really needed in FF yet u can viably play all three roles easily without needing WAs or a heal bot or anything like that.

Yes they’re against ToS…but everyone still uses them. Watching FF streams are hilarious because there’s black boxes blocking the screen all over the place.

We just making stuff up now? I’m legit scrolling twitch and can’t find a single black box :rofl:

This refer a friend thing has always been pretty interesting to me, especially for games instead of stuff like checking accounts or costco membership etc, where the referral program is perpetual, but extremely minor. How it’s done, when to do it, what to reward, how to combat people gaming the system etc.

Some games don’t seem to go that route anymore, perhaps thinking they’ve already hit a critical level of saturation, while others recruit pretty aggressively. For example fortnite does it pretty regularly with steady but minor recruits. LoL hasn’t done it for like maybe a whole decade, just completely abandoned the concept. I still remember RAF 2.0 in league as a kid, getting together to refer each other, making a script to generate random gmails, another guy running 10 vmwares to level up the accounts to the minimum required level in 5v5 custom games, scamming the crap out of the system. WoW has a perpetual one in place that does very little. It counts returning players. I know a few people who returned and were too lazy to even cash in on it. It seems like wow’s RAF actually fits the checking account type, but game time isn’t (shouldn’t be) be that minor. It’s more than most other games give, dollar wise.

there was a big banwave mid raid of the big FF streamers for exactly that. But ok Final Fantasy is clearly perfect and everyone follows the ToS always

I mean there’s no such thing as perfect, but you’re using extreme outliers to poop on a game. That’s like saying Ulduar is easy noob Raid cus one guy exploited a GM item and solo’d all the hard modes rofl

Not pooping on the game, just pointing out it has a lot of similar problems.

The biggest issue is how sensitive the FF community is, if you say anything slightly critical you get hundreds of angry DMs about how perfect and wonderful their game is. It’s like dealing with Judi in Avatar the Last Airbender