Why aren't we the doing recruit a friend program again?

Oh yea I can get behind that. I used to be one of the top Wolves Den WHMs in the world and one of my favorite pass times in the game is to talk crap about the state of PvP and watch em all start crying

No it’s not.

yes it is.

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I used to raid Nightmare mode Operations in SWTOR and basically raiders were just straight up ignored by the devs for 2 years. Couldn’t say anything critical about it because the playerbase wanted their romance sim and solo story mode content and raids were “stupid” so then basically every content creator and raider left the game.

It’s been out since MoP and it has 10 operations. 3 of which are from the first year.

The only thing to do at 80 is raid. There’s a ton of content under 80.

And pvp, and dungeons, and professions, and literally everything.

Such as?

Literally the entire game is under 80 besides heroic dungeons and Ulduar/Naxx rofl.

pvp, and dungeons, and professions, and literally everything.

The leveling is fast, what is slow is the MSQ

I could of leveled a whole roster of retail WoW characters in the time it took me to hit 90 on BLM lol

You are probably watching the smarter good ones who if using them
are dual boxing another slot with the addons. Not on cam.

Also if even a thing
I don’t see the big deal since its usually damage meters.

which I could not give 2 craps about. OMg the less geared player is less dps than the dude who is 90% raid fit and working last 1 or 2 bits?

How is this happening? Kick
they are being lazy.

not really. game I went back to I expect my not 13 years trained new bro’s to do one thing. 2 actually.

give good intel, and CC the crap out of targets. their damage will be less than mine. I ahve level skilled 5 so much in eve there is not other possible end result. I hit everything at the highest possible chance at damage from calculaiotns.

they lock the targer they actually can’t kill down. I kill that target.

and I say good job new bro. don’t worry, if you are using that skill plan I gave you in due time you will be dropping targets much faster and better.

Loot is yours too, I just made nice isk on the markets
you need that loot for maybe 10 million more than I do

I would love recreuit a friend. Used to be a mount reward for it I remember. I could see issue with locked servers though.

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My favorite mount in the game was wrath RaF:


That is the one!!! Honestly its really cool to have a 2 seater flying mount.

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It’s my favorite. That baby does loops through the air too!

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My honest guess would be that there’s a lot more money in selling high-level characters to compulsive, instant gratification-obsessed swipers like some kind of tacky private server than there is in just faster gameplay. It’s literally the industry standard now.

Remember when there were thousands of people who spent cheater gold they bought with real money, or won in GDKPs that were obviously funded by cheater gold, so they could sit AFK at instance portals while some stranger would exploit dungeons for them?

Those types of people aren’t interested in leveling with friends.

Still waiting for them to reimplement this mount somewhere, though I probably shouldn’t hold my breath since we’re still waiting for the perky pug.

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I just want to get the rocket mount somehow

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I too want my rocket mount on “classic” as I have it on retail
 Why can’t I also have it on classic since it’s unobtainable


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