Why arent the unarmored mounts going to be available in vanilla. I am outraged....:(

That is not what we are getting, though.


3449 posts ^

go outside.

Fesz is a tireless defender of justice, reason and hope. You do what Fesz says: not vice versa.

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he’s defending something that’s illogical. cool alt kid

Being against unarmored mounts implementation into classic > having self respect

Wrong on both counts. Keep going! Third time’s the charm.

Also you do realize that when people say patch 1.12 they are including patch 1.12.1 and 1.12.2 since they are part of patch 1.12 right?

That’s why there’s a 1.12 in front of the .1 and .2… because they are iterations of patch 1.12

That is true.

That is also why the mount/riding system being used in Classic is consistent with 1.12.

Now, tell us all which part of 1.12 had those umarmored mounts available for purchase from the mount vendors.

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Look, no one knows why those mounts aren’t available. Reasons I guess. But really, it’s just cosmetic junk anyway. Most of us will leave that need behind.

Cosmetic junk is all that retail has left - collectiing crap and transmog. Maybe they didn’t want to take that the last unique bit of joy out of that wasteland.

None, because they were removed in patch 1.4. Find me the quote from blizzard where they stated that 1.12 (not 1.12.1 or 1.12.2) is the standard for classic in every possible way, and that deviating from that is impossible. Like a broken record you keep reiterating the same point over and over again, and I will continue to respond with …Naxx was available in patch 1.12, AQ 40/20 was available In patch 1.12, ZG was available in patch 1.12, AV/WSG/WSG was available in patch 1.12.

None of these thing will be available in WoW classic when it is released.

Now, tell us which part of patch 1.12 didn’t have…

AQ 40
AQ 20


Wh0o0o0o0o0o0o Cares?!?! Why does this keep popping up? Seriously. Only thing worse would be to see “Streamers are ruining the game by NOT advocating for unarmoured mounts!”

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Not everyone is going to. There are some who won’t if its not and some who won’t either way but will complain if they can’t get one.

Personally I’m not rushing, I also don’t give a damn if I got one before removal if they were to be put in.

Their decision sounds more to me like they were never supposed to be in game in the first place. Kinda like the t1, and t2 armor placeholders. I don’t get why they wouldn’t say that if that was the case tho.

Actually they are using pre 1.12 mount system. Apparently the 1.12 mount system was put in place in prep for TBC. So the old system (expensive mount cheap riding) is what they are using.

people want an authentic vanilla experience it’s very obvious that you are some kind of legion baby.

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Watching the current dev team try to mimic a game and culture that was around before their balls dropped, while still trying to please their publicly owned overlords, is gonna be a game in and of itself. It’s already proven to be an entertaining show and I look forward to more.

Don’t be a troll. A quick glance would show i’m not. i DO want an authentic vanilla experience. It’s 1.12. Authentically, there are no unarmoured mounts - and i’m more concerned about my overall experience…not an inconsequential COSMETIC thing. You being concerned about said cosmetic experience sounds more indicative of a “legion baby”…troll.

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Are we getting in the way of all the streamer hate posts and the people who can’t decide what class to play?

I’ll keep posting about the mounts until Blizzard gives us a better reason for why they’re not included. I don’t think the game content should be limited just because they want to dictate how quickly players are supposed to be leveling. Since we have phased content the mounts should be part of that.


The system they are using IS 1.12. BOTH systems were part of 1.12.

The system they are using, the original system, was in place in 1.12.0.

The change was made in 1.12.1.

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True… so I guess it is 1.12 accurate.

this is supposed to be a recreation of vanilla from start to finish anyone fixating on the client patch number is wrong. this fesz guy has issues and likes to argue and play devils advocate and has 3.5k posts on that character alone. SAD