Ysera should have stayed dead imnsho. It would be a good way to make the story have more weight/darkness/grimdark sadness that it needs more without being edgy or childish. WoW needs more of that. But fantasy writers are all about ‘alternate dimensions/different possibilities’ these days which means they don’t have take responsibility for any crap they write since everything can get reversed anyway. They’d rather write an over the top bad scenerio that in the next episode can get completely reversed via magic. ZZzzzzzzz.
I guess I was a little impatient on my response – I suppose that’s what I get for going on the forums at a late time lol Lesson learnt’ - Apologies.
— That being said, with the extension of what you wrote, on Oceanic it was the opposite … Although the numbers are opposing with them outnumbering Horde 5 to 1 so, take that as you will. However the idea of cross-faction play would’ve helped our servers get some decorum of balance in queues too at the time — So OCE Horde weren’t opposed to the idea either.
Only thing we still have now is how Alliance still have ‘Against the odds’ PvP quest despite holding the advantage in numbers by massive amounts.
is that a high elf?
That is Alleria. She is now a Void Elf.
super pale and tall.
reminds me a high elf from EverQuest.
She’s standing on higher ground there so she’s not as tall as it seems. She’s always been pale that I’ve noticed.
Get back to me after you’ve played an alliance in SoO for… lordie… how long were we in that raid? Right.
Factions got different quests in vanilla. (Well, some different and some the same quest, just from two different perspectives.) They got SOME different quests in BC in the starting area. They got virtually identical quests with different wording in Wrath, though we did get different tents in the jousting area and different RP in ICC. Then we have to fast forward to MoP (because I can’t remember a single factionally different quest in Cata) where the quests were identical except for a handful in the starter zone. WoD was the next big faction quest differences in the starting zone quest lines, afterwards they were identical. Legion gave us identical quests factionally, but different quests for different classes. Then you get to BfA and BOOM! HUUUUUGE difference in the quests available to each faction to the point people complained to high heaven they were only seeing half the story. (I play both sides of the fence, so I was super happy. ) Then back to near 100% identical quests in Shadowlands and Dragonflight has had near 100% identical quests… though for Dragonflight, I only say “near” because there has to be something I’m not remembering even though I can’t remember any faction quest differences.
What that long paragraph says, if you tally the points, is that alliance and horde have had 100% identical questing for a lot longer than we have ever had separate questing. You’re just complaining alliance are getting a turn now.
Our perspective of the purge was a lot different than Alliance. And your paragraph seems more 50/50. Also Cata and SL aren’t highly regarded. DF storyline has been pretty boring. I don’t want to serve your NPCs anymore.
I was lukewarm to Cata, but I wouldn’t list Shadowlands anywhere as low as that. WoD was easily the worst expansion the game has seen. It’s best part was the starting zone questlines, then everything just wilted.
Perspective differences aren’t REALLY different quests when they’re the same quest with different wording factionally. I do still count them as important differences, but the REAL differences are entire zones set up with quests only one faction or the other can complete. In that, you can’t argue against BfA taking the prize for factionally different quests over any other expansion, except possibly vanilla itself.
Why? SL was the whole it wasn’t the Dreadlords, it was really the Jailer nonsense.
Perspective of Jaina killing us was definitely a different quest to Alliance being told she only jailed us. It was as different as BFA quests.
I wonder if Firiona Vie could beat Jaina.
This pretty much sums up the WoW’s story since Legion.
The Alliance is the main character, the Horde is a support character at best.
I believe so. The spells available to EQ are vastly different to wow. Also of note, Firiona Vie is a cleric and a high elf with high magic resistance, so unless Jaina can cast self heals, she will eventually port away. Plus EQ clerics wear plate not cloth.
Horde are the bad guys. They’ve always been the bad guys, and they’ll always be the bad guys, and you chose to be one of the bad guys, so you get what you deserve.
Not always been the bad guys and even if that were always true, does not mean we shouldn’t get our own story and have our own NPCs deliver us content. It doesn’t make it make sense why I’m serving Alliance when they shouldn’t trust me after BFA. We aren’t friends and should not be pretending to be.
Agreed, the factions being pushed to work together should be doing nothing but creating more tension between the faction leaders, and the next xpac should be the Alliance finally having had enough and eradicating all of the horde races like we should have done after Garrosh.
That will definitely never happen, lol.
You’re probably right, and that’s why this game will keep getting worse and worse.
In all likelihood, you’re going to have mandatory diversity quotas in raids in the future.
The game keeps getting worse because they won’t delete one faction removing player choice? I’m not sure man.
You mean like the multiple expansions we followed thrall around? I think you will be fine for a patch…