Why are you guys in denial?

The problem is that we keep logging in and we keep resubbing. It’s tough to get any leverage that way.


I’m not in denial.

By ‘your’ standards, not ours.

The fact remains that millions still subscribe. “Happy” or not.

Hell, if you’re not “happy”, then just move on to another game. Simple solution.


Nothing I said was subjective except for the happiness found in competition.

Addiction is more complicated than “just quitting”

This is such exquisite bait, and remarkably successful.

Literally everything you said was subjective. The only objective fact is that WoW still retains in the million(s) of paying subscribers…

Since 2004.

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Every single time I log on wow, there’s one stupid drama or another to deal with…

People blowing the littlest of things out of proportion and whatnot. Hence why I am on FF14 atm waiting for a roulette over there.

WHy I have mixed feelings about TBC.

It literally is the reason I am back. No TBC it be 9.3 I’d have slipped money their way. I really jsut want to farm legion. The jailor if he agress to jsut wipe put the shadowlands and stop there…he’d have my sword for that possibly.

And there is no way separate my sub from that. Ion we all know next quarter will show some great numbers.

And we are never asked did you sub for SL? Nope…we signed up for outland.

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It’s not my favorite expansion but still my favorite game

I haven’t given up on wow yet


Oh I’m not defending them at all. Especially after the last few days of customer service I’ve had with them. I will NEVER recommend them to anyone ever again.

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You do have to grind Anima for your Sanctum but where they failed with Anima is that all the work you put in grinding isn’t worth it in the end. You can only get transmog, mount, and some 194ilvl weapons/armor…for months and months of work. And, it ends there, that work doesn’t stack like PVP/Raid weapons and armor do where you can keep upgrading.

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lol @ratio

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I quit after lvling more than 10 alts to cap. Stopped at renown 24 I think it was whatever week that was. The story, whatever you think of it, was gated weekly. I would like to go back and do it just to see it anyway since I cant have a fair opinion of the expansion based on part of the current patch story. Nevermind that the rest isnt told yet. Ive felt kind of…eh…with it. Neutral to meh really.

That said as I thought about doing stuff across at least a few more alts of significance to me…it just didnt sound appealing. The systems I mean. The leveling process I as well. M+ is the same 8 dungeons. I personally dont find M+, or the e sport concept very meaningful. Fun and first with a very abrupt drop off in appeal. Never have enjoyed it much but I can see why it appeals to people. The raid was fun but outside of those activities for me the expansion is just missing something that would grab me and keep me here. I like transmog and farming for stuff I dont have so Ill bounce back and forth to stay caught up on the couple of weeks of gameplay a patch provides when it comes out but most of my retail time gets spent in past expansion content.

Like others said it was really great at first but when the romance phase ended…it just wasn’t right for some reason.

That said I did start playing classic again but Im sure I will bounce between both retail and classic but I expect more time spent in Classic/TBC.

Having logged in to retail this weekend it certainly felt very slow compared to what it was last time I played. ppl advertising goods and no conversation.

Yes. A very small and vocal portion of the playerbase complained that islands, warfronts, wqs, visions, etc were giving decent gear. Based on that feedback torg and anima no longer do reward gear.

Now, most players that don’t follow the forums/ reddit/ streamers, etc are asking why rewards got nerfed. They blame blizzard instead of understanding that other players brought us WoD 2.0.

And people are shocked its not popular.

have you talked to those people do you know them personally do you know what their doing in their lives why they truely left. no you dont you asume so stop doing that. “you know nothing jon snow”

The idealistic side hopes they’ll salvage it.

The realist however…

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A lot of players are still subbed but don’t set foot in SL. I, for one, only do old content. I farm mounts and pets and get my old missing achievements. I hate SL.


That’s unfortunate because the Covenant/Sanctum/Worldquest is actually very appealing. It was appealing enough to make me log in everyday for several hours a day for months…then it just ended. Your Sanctum is upgraded and you can progress no further, what a shame, so much potential. Now I just log in maybe 2 or 3 times a week to do some battlegrounds and that’s about all that appeals to me anymore.

Why are you so mad that there are people who like the expansion.


I agree. It absolutely should have been expanded upon. But unfortunately that conflicts with raid loggers, pvp lobby queuers and alt army players. And they complain the loudest.

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