This is why I unsubbed: Hint not because of SL

Well they want to hear why I am unsubbing so here we go:

It’s not because of Shadowlands entirely it’s not because of “lack of content” as there are plenty of old content things to do. It’s because of dumpster fire trash diarrhea customer service.

Within’ the last few days I had quests / items bug on my character. I submitted tickets and get told by the Gamemasters “we’re aware of this issue and we have to wait for developers to fix it but please feel free to submit a bug report”. Well I submitted a bug report and this ticket so what now? What about my items being restored or fixed? “No we can’t do that hopefully that super rare .01% drop rate pet will show up again for you later”. This particular pet showed up in MOP and I’ve played since before MOP and in all those years the pet was available it never dropped until NOW and now you’re gonna just tell me “good luck”. Why thanks so much! That was so helpful! I’d been better off submitting a customer support ticket to a forkin’ parrot on a pirate shoulder who’s molting and covered in murloc fecal matter for N’zoth’s sakes!

Then the next day I did the Children’s Quest in Dalaran on a brand new character and I get no pet in the mail when I complete it despite choosing a different pet from what I previously owned on another character. I submit a ticket and get told “hi there looks like you did the quest before and you won’t get the pet”…it’s a brand new character! I just made them a little over a week ago, I didn’t boost them, and I completed the whole quest line today for the first time, got the achievements for doing it for the first time and then get no compensation or help. Once again better off submitting a ticket to a ravenous quilboar covered in Scourge Plague humping a Nether Portal that goes to Archimonde’s butthole.

I can tolerate the game being lackluster.

I can live with bad end game content.

I can stomach the fact professions are dang near worthless and bad.

I can live without having tons of RL pals playing WoW and live with group finder if I must.

What I can not and will not tolerate is having customer service about as useful as a Swiss cheese boat in a hurricane filled with lead balloons and blacksmith anvils.

I feel stupid, foolish and ignorant coming back hoping you guys had changed and things would be different. The thing is what do you care you got my money and you’ll laugh, slap your knee, give another bonus to some person, lay off more people, hire more people at a cheaper rate, laugh about it and keep doing your schemes until people wise up and refuse to fund you or play your games entirely and then you’ll realize the mistakes you’ve made. Color me angry, color me mad but now I can go drink my ale in peace knowing I’ve said what I needed to say and live out my days in a new world where I can be a Dwarf far from this festering abomination covered in Madam Maldraxxus Plague Mommy’s barf. Enjoy my sub money you greedy Kobolds. I TAKE CANDLE BACK AND GIVE NO MORE CANDLES EVER AGAIN!!!

PS: I’m a Dwarf no ye can’ ‘ave me gold or me ale! I’m keepin’ ‘em and I ain’ sharin’ with ye! Unless yer an adventurer who wants to come with me on a new journey then we can talk.

Mounts Ram with kegs of ale and slowly rides off into the sunset while smoking Dwarven tobacco

UPDATE: So they responded again to my second ticket in regards to the quest issue and I was told “There may have been an issue and we will have to look into it but we still can’t compensate you. Please look for a work around or ask on the forums”.

WHY do I have to go ask non-Blizzard employees for help when it is LITERALLY your job as a Blizzard employee to assist players who have in game issues? Why even let people make tickets if you aren’t / can’t help us? So not only was I told “to bad so sad” but now I’m being told “go find someone else to help you” when only someone with access to the server / admin privileges can help me. Is this a joke?

Update 2: FINALLY after arguing with CS for days they finally admitted that there indeed IS / WAS an issue with the questing turn in that would result in a bug and characters not getting the pets. They FINALLY gave me the pet and apologized for the problem on their end. Why couldn’t they have just done this on day 1, saved us both time, frustration and energy? I just don’t understand Blizzard…I truly don’t.

Update 3: So through all this I learned that if you have a serious issue with things disappearing, quest bugs, or other issues to keep escalating the ticket until a dev steps in. The first few layers of customer support have no authorization to help you and can’t compensate you if something bugs out, disappears or goes missing. So if you do quests, don’t get items, gear disappears or glitches out and you don’t get it then just submit a ticket and escalate it until you get the help that you need.

For everyone going “QQ u gun cry git gud” well have fun enjoying the customer service when you need help in the future and you have to beg for help for days hoping it gets resolved. Sure they may instantly resolve payment issues but that’s because they know there are major legal ramifications when it comes to money and banks. If you have in game issues with your character itself and it is beyond your control on their end you’ll spend days escalating the ticket until someone with the ability to help you gets authorization and can do it. I miss the time when you could call Blizzard and talk to a live person and get the help you needed almost instantly.

Their subs are down lower than they’ve ever been and in those days you could call in person back when their subs were 3-5x more than what they are now. If they needed approval they would place you on a brief hold and then come back after a few minutes and then they would get it fixed for you. They have the ability to change their procedures but they cut cost corners to make more money and yet the only thing that has done is lower sub count, lower the game quality and caused frustration with many people who need help and can’t do it themselves.


Pets are account bound and some you can only have 1 of. You were given an answer you just didn’t like it.

You don’t really explain your other issue very well but pretty much the same thing. You got a response you just wanted immediate action.

I get that you are frustrated about these issues but just because it’s currently a mountain to you doesn’t mean it’s not a molehill of a problem.

It wasn’t a 1 of a pet type ordeal. It’s you get the pet if you haven’t done the quest before and I have never done that particular quest on any character ever and I still didn’t get it. They refused to fix it or adjust it.

As for the other pet bug they admitted they had a problem and refused to do anything to fix it. It’s not about me “not liking it” it’s about the lack of customer support or them doing anything to even help.


Wow, I like your descriptive metaphors. You painted quite the photo album in my underutilized brain.


so… you had an item in MoP, prior to the wardrobe existing, and now you’re mad about it?

yeah that happened to pretty much everyone.

no, that’s not “literally their job”.
their job is mostly to assist players with issues which prevent them from progressing.
what you’re seeking is akin to “game hints”, and is something which game masters don’t do.
(but you should know that if you’ve been playing since tbc)

because the issue needed to be forwarded to QA for assessment.
GMs don’t just give people stuff when they ask for it.


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Must be horrible for you when you don’t get instant gratification.

Good luck in life.


Remember when there was a pinned post in the bug report forum that listed known bugs? I know I do.

I feel your pain as I recently went through the same issue for a quest error. The thing we have to remember is that these are still customer service agents with a limited amount of authority to do anything other than “X.” That’s why you were given the canned responses about investigating the problem on your end. I agree it sucks.

What amazed me about my situation with the quest was I was told by a level 1 rep to use Wowhead’s quest tool to confirm I completed it.

Really? The same wowhead where I found a script to copy paste in game to confirm. Which was successful?

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Yeah, event pets are not unique. You can go sell them you know.

So are you still unsubbing? Or good now?

Can I have your stuff

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No I meant my super rare item being fixed from the recent bug. It wasn’t a wardrobe item. It was a pet. Due to the bug they weren’t going to restore / give it back but then eventually did after they looked into it all and saw the issue was indeed on their end. It was nothing to do with gear.

If doing a long chain of quests and completing it to not get your promised item and asking for help to be ignored / shafted is “instant gratification issues” then I think you don’t understand the term customer SERVICE. My issue is not that the pet didn’t show up, but that the support team did nothing for days until I kept asking about how it would be addressed and they finally had a dev step in and confirm the bug / issue and they compensated it. There are others who could have been affected as well, but now since they took the time to look into it they can help others.

wait a minute, did you do the same pet as you did last time you did the childrens-week quest? like, if you did the… little raccoon-guys one last time, and tried to do it again, yeah, you won’t get a second. but! if you do the little… murloc-y guys, you’ll get one of them instead!

No I did different pets on a new character. That’s why I made a ticket asking where it went and why I didn’t get it. My old characters from children’s week are no longer played so when my new character I just made a week ago didn’t receive the different pet I made a ticket. They finally investigated it and found an issue with their questing system not rewarding new characters / first time quest completion with the pets like it should have.

probably because the frontline support tech isn’t empowered to do that.

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ah… i see the problem now. was worried it was an accidental repeat of the same stuff.

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That’s what the dev basically told me. That you have to keep asking for help escalating the issue until one of them can step in to assist you. I was advised if farther issues happen in regards to items / gear disappearing from quests that I will have to escalate it a few times so it’s just a waiting game.

well that was clear as mud, because you were talking about a childrens week pet… so it seemed to make sense that the other item in question was a gear item.

regardless, you’re getting angry at the wrong people.

GMs can’t create items for you.
if they’ve been instructed to wait for a fix, they need to do that.
if a thing is bugged, the bug needs to be verified, and the GMs need to wait around to get to OK to restore items to players… because in some cases, applying the fix will return the items.

i’m still confused about


that’s silly. probably a cost cutting measure though. if they can separate people who can make changes from customers requiring them by enough points of “we can’t help” it could turn x% of requests away without having to address them.

I am, of course, speculating, but…

it’s also a load of rubbish.

the hint was in the part which said that’s what they were “basically told”. :smile:
either GMs have been given the ok to do something, or they haven’t.
if they haven’t got the ok to do it, it’s highly unlikely they’re going to risk their job over giving someone a battlepet.

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What’s with all the shills on this post? Sheesh.