What is wrong with you? Skeram is like 30-70 alliance to horde and a bunch of alliance guilds have left the server, and it’s causing a chain reaction where more alliance guilds are jumping ship because they don’t want to deal with a server where they have no chance to compete for world bosses. Soon our guild may have to recognize that Skeram might not be capable of supplying players over the long term to deal with natural turnover.
What on earth is wrong with you? Why wouldn’t you only allow the dominant factions to transfer? Are you completely inept? Are you purposely sabotaging Classic with this and everything else that you have gotten blatantly wrong?
The thing is, it’s too late now. The damage has been done. I just can’t believe how many bad decisions have gone into this.
Edit: Alliance are fleeing via Free Transfer, faction imbalance worsened
Thank you for acknowledging that Alliance is the lesser faction. 
Of course the less dominate faction is transferring off.
Most players don’t want balanced PvP servers they want free HKS and to play in peace as the dominate faction
OP aint wrong. Skeram is bleeding Alliance because of the free transfers.
Honestly why wouldn’t people transfer off? Whats the fun in getting chain ganked all day every day? Had a pretty miserable time the last 3 nights TRYING to quest all.
So we got people crying for free transfers and people crying against free transfers. Typical.
Believe it or not, you can:
- be for character transfers and also
- be against character transfers for a specific faction if it would damage the faction balance.
Which would lead to further QQ on these forums 
What is your point? That no one does anything because no matter what, people will btch?
That is not how the world works. Some decisions are better than others independent of how many people are upset.
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Basically game forums can have three types of posts:
- Criticism (hopefully constructive, as this post is trying to be) of the game, or things being done to/in the game
- Troll posts to bring joy to those who have no joy in their life (or are just like Kyle’s dad, doing it for the lulz)
- Questions regarding the game (mechanics, quest information, etc.)
Maybe I’m missing one type of post, but I think all posts generally fall into these three categories.
That said, complaining about complaining is just as bad as complaining itself.
No, my point is that Blizz is stuck between a rock and a hard place. Also how are you not banned after the thread on the n-word you started yesterday?
Isn’t the horde dominant on all the PvP servers?
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It’s almost like the forums aren’t a hive mind
Yes, all PvP servers are horde dominant. Faerlina is about a 3-1 ratio, and once you reach lvl 40, you pretty much have to level in groups, or stay in an instance if you plan to play during primetime. Otherwise all quest mobs are perma camped by horde until like 3am.
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Earthfury is looking good…tons of alliance…which is good for us
Yeah sure, lock people into servers, specially when it’s already unbalanced and the main reason they are willing to transfer in the first place, this won’t backfire at all.
“You can’t transfer because other players who wants to 9v1 all day will be sad…”
Lock it and the next day there will be a billion threads complaining and unsubs. Personally I don’t really care if they lock transfers or not, but no, it’s not an easy decision to make and most likely a bad decision.
so xfer… I dont see the prob
You sound mad you didn’t make the transfer. Sorry boyo, but you’re stuck with an imbalanced server.
There are solutions to this that Blizzard can do which require #changes.
Some of us don’t want to sit in cities and dungeon farm because everywhere you quest has a dozen Horde doing the same quest. All it takes is one killing you, to make it a chain reaction.
Wait… so you’re telling me those poor souls who slogged uphill through the queue under the screed that ‘we won’t be on a dead server’ and ‘we love world pvp’… have essentially found themselves on a Normal Server that allows ganking of the less populous faction?
Note that if you were on a Normal Server, you’d have been able to play the game at Classic Release… and even if the factions were imbalanced, it would make no difference to you.
It just goes to show the old adage that cross-realm battlegrounds are the only Real PVP.