Alliance are fleeing via Free Transfer, faction imbalance worsened

The faction balance on most realms was roughly 60/40 in favor of Horde, which made leveling and farming difficult for Alliance. As a result, they are the majority taking advantage of Free Transfers. Now, the target realms are bloated with Alliance and the realms they left are 80-90%+ Horde.


I agree, this is a major problem. I hope they look into the adverse affects that these transfers are having and revert in some situations where necessary. I’m on Skeram and have heard rumors of at least 4 Alliance guilds transferring off because they see the writing on the wall and don’t want to death run 3 times every time they want to go to BRM.


Can you prove any of this or are you pulling numbers out of your rectum?


No idea how to solve this besides setting a cap for concurrent logged in players to like 55/45.

No one likes being ganked over and over by someone 20 levels higher than them. Especially if they have limited time to play during the week and cant always have a couple people questing with them.

I don’t mind getting ganked by players around my level, but the lowbies who run around with a 60 friend as a body guard ruins the fun. If they are that scared of WPVP then they should have went PVE


Here on stalagg I would bet all my money that it even worse than 60/40. No I don’t have evidence, but any ally on here can probably confirm.


Love when PvP happens and suddenly one side hates the idea of loosing to much and just leaves instead of trying to come up with a strategy to fight back.


Can’t beat em, join em I say. I got out of Stalagg quick in this latest transfer after hardly seeing any alliance following the second transfer. It felt like Jaedenar all over again and I wasn’t letting that happen when I had a choice.


Before Blizz killed the census add on, Stalagg was around 72% horde and 28 Alliance and that was when the transfers had started. We have no idea what the second round of transfers have left the servers at but I know one thing, Stalagg isnt sitting at full status anymore and I would imagine its because Alliance left in droves.


It’s hard to come up with a strategy to fight back when you are on the alliance and end up getting outnumbered 2:1 in pretty much any type of world pvp battle.


You don’t get to pick and choose what Blizzard enforces. This is strictly Blizzard’s fault for not implementing population controls at launch.

If they had done something, anything to try and keep pops closer to 50/50, you could complain. But they literally did nothing. No faction locking, no free transfer faction restriction, not even a priority queue to try and balance the in game population even though the server population as a whole might be slanted.

Because Blizzard has made it clear they have 0 intention of balancing populations, you have 0 ground to stand on blaming players for leaving an unfair situation.


I dont understand why Blizzard allows transfers off of servers for the minority faction.

You’d think massively Horde-dominated servers like Stalagg would only allow transfers for Horde characters in order to bring the population numbers more in line. Instead they’ve just reduced the population of Alliance without fixing anything.


I feel like you’re not taking him seriously. EVERY server is now 90% horde. Never mind how math works and that the difference in alliance transferring off would have to be represented somewhere. EVERY server is now 90% horde thanks to transfers. The literal worst. Ugh. Thanks Blizzard. /s


You had me in the first half not gonna lie

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Because they have 0 intention of attempting to balance factions. Otherwise they would have created faction locks like they did in vanilla, and never let the balance get to the point where people wanted to leave in the first place.


Not for the players ‘fleeing’.

How to fix the imbalance? Many players didn’t want to leave their heavy pop server, but some did. If Blizzard opens free faction xfers to balance out the population, do you believe these alliance players will take it?

Let me educate you.

  1. Blizzard could have implemented faction queues to make the balance closer to 50/50. This would allow alliance more flexibility when playing; and create an incentive for horde to leave if they want to avoid queues
  2. they could have opened transfers from all realms to Skeram and Stalagg to allow alliance-only transfers to even the population. However, this may create additional queues.

Blizzard didn’t do anything in that regard - which is fine - so they allowed us to leave. This isn’t a matter of imbalance - this is a matter of unplayability.

  • Questing? Too bad. Too many horde around and will just attack you in the area
  • Dungeons? Too bad. Too many horde camp the portal location or entrance making it impossible to enter without corpse running
  • Farming mats? Too bad. Too many horde control the spots and will KoS when you’re there to avoid allowing you to farm as well.

Alliance were left with no choice. Horde could have easily deleted their characters and rerolled. That won’t happen because they like being the dominant faction.

Oh…this will only get worse once layering is removed as well. Tour is over at that point, boyo.


So, what you are saying is that if you transfer off too, you will be on a server with those alliance who tried to flee?

Sounds like an obvious solution.


They should have set a limit on server populations first, and only made it so horde toons could be made if there were enough alliance etc with a 5% maximum imbalance but it’s to late now there’s nothing Blizzard can do.


That’s why Horde are scum