Why are you allowing the lesser faction to transfer off the most imbalanced servers?

Firstly, because the transfers are ment to deal with queuing, and queueing alone.

And secondly that’s not fair. Blizzard didn’t implement any faction controls to ensure the server populations were balanced. You don’t get to create a situation that sucks and then come back and say that we have to stay in it.


We told you. We told everyone. Server transfers MAKES FACTION IMBALANCE WORSE. And this is just from overflow transfers. Can you imagine how bad it would be if paid transfers were opened and anyone could transfer anywhere?

Not sure why Blizz didn’t think about this. Faction queues needed to be in the game 100% at launch. It’s pretty much over now. GG

People who are told “You can’t move your character because Reasons” stop playing. And stop paying.

Because transfers are to address overall realm population not faction imbalance.

Ah PvP problems…

If they limited server transfers to just the dominant faction and made queues faction based, that could help. Alliance would have no queues to run from if Alliance never had to sit in a queue on Horde dominated servers. It would only be Horde sitting in a queue and only Horde needing to transfer.

They also need to destroy the idea of crossrealm bgs. One of the biggest incentives for pvpers to self balance factions is the fact that they can’t get into a bg.


yes this is 100% true, well my experience anyway

They really didn’t think this through.

They have to accept if they want balance realms, they are going to have to restrict player movement in and out of servers.

They should have blocked character creation (for players who don’t already have a character already on the server) on the majority faction of a server (and turn on free transfers for the majority faction if the realm is overcrowded) the moment the ratio goes pass 55/45 - drop the block (and allow transfers out from both factions) when the ratio drops back to 50/50.

Just like you’re doing??

If they only allowed faction specific transfers that would give the smallet faction some hope of the situation and do nothing but help that server. It probably only kicks the can down the road for the new server though.

Everyone loses if the smaller faction is allowed to transfer off servers like skeram. Alliance usually just gets roflstomped by the sheer amount of horde at the servers disposal and if there are no alliance players left horde just gets bored because its… just horde.

I love how after 15 years and having the same issue for the millionth time on previous server transfers blizz still does not change the MO lol

[Why are you allowing the lesser faction to transfer off the most imbalanced servers?]

The transfer is a Blizzard fix for the QUEUE problem. Many players must wait in QUEUES to play the game. Sometimes players wait for hours. Clearly that is a game problem. Blizzard made a fix.

You are talking about WPVP balance. The free transfer was NOT a fix for that. That is not a game problem. That is not a Blizzard problem. That is a “players making a free choice” issue.

Back in Vanilla, did Blizzard restrict where a player could play, in order to improve “pvp balance”? No! So why do you expect Blizzard to do it in Classic? You are demanding a new feature from Blizzard, and calling them “completely inept” for not doing what YOU want.

Personally, I think the dev team is pretty ept.


They could have done it for free now or just paid for it later.

This isn’t a matchmaking FPS game. PvP realms aren’t about balance. Most folks want to outnumber the other side dramatically so that a fair fight isn’t even an option and they’ll do whatever they can to make that a reality. That’s how PvP realms have worked in this game forever.

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Cause imagine that… you can learn from mistakes no?

Learning from mistakes is creating a DIFFERENT game. That is okay in retail.

Classic is NOT a different game. Players were promised “Vanilla WoW, both the good and the bad”. Players were not promised a different (but better) game.

You are welcome to want an improved game that Blizzard is not offering and has never offered.

Let’s face the truth. Everyone wants to be able to level and enjoy playing the game. The attitude of “PvP happens on a PvP server, lulz” perpetuates the belief that ganking/camping is acceptable behavior because it’s “PvP”. It’s not. It’s people ganging up on others with the intent of denying them the ability to do anything.

Death squads and ganking (gang killing) is simply people PKing others who have no realistic chance of defending themselves; resulting in those people not wanting to keep putting themselves in a position where they’re unable to play the game. It’s no wonder they’re leaving for more enjoyable opportunities.

Blizzard should have had faction character creation limits in place, yes, but the mass exodus of Alliance players entirely the result of Horde players’ behavior, not something Blizzard did.


Well usually I would agree with you there bud, but considering that people have been layerhoping/abusing for weeks now I really would not make smarter character transfers my last line of defense on the #nochanges argument.

The game is already changed significanlty enough that you can not even compare it to the original game. Im not advocating to change things, smarter character transfers are out of the scope of actual ingame changes, so your argument does not hold either way.

Actually, yes, they did. At times they locked factions so no new characters could be made on that server of that faction except by players who were already there with characters of that faction on that server.

Eventually they ceased doing this. But, the point is, they did it at one point. Why they stopped? I think it was something along the lines of they wanted friends to be able to play together, and instead they went with cross realm bgs as their fix. Basically dumping any care of world pvp balance.

I saw what cross realm bgs did. Many pvp guilds who were on Alliance because otherwise the wait was an hour or more on horde side, left and went right back to horde once cross realms hit. Cross realming was nothing but harmful to server balance.

You know what else causes people to stop playing? Dead servers.

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