Why are you allowing GDKP in SoD?

im launghing too hard to pay attention

dont care
ban gdkps

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I just can think for someone else and not myself.

I could play 48 hours in a day if I wanted(clearly only 24 hours in a day just hope you get what I’m saying feel I need to spell it out though). Nor did I ever say I had issues with making gold myself.

I just can think of a stand point of playing 1-2 hours a day instead of no-lifing it. Even completing 1 character quests for a person with little time would be rough.

Let alone a few to get a few hundred G.

dailies at level 25. must be nuts. what quests are those again

dont care
ban gdkps

1-2 hours a day if you’d be playing daily since launch could have easily finished multiple character’s quests.

Playing just a few times a week should have been able to finish one character by now if someone wanted.

if you truely didn’t care you wouldn’t reply so prolifically.

There good at making gold? Questing at 25 gives stupid amounts of gold just cuz your not doing it doesn’t mean they are not.

The unlimited amount of quests we have yes. The great defense.

gdkps are very hard to participate in

dont care
ban gdkps

I’m not saying that every single person that does GDKPs buys gold. But a lot of them do. So banning them would really cut into RMT and also bring down the amount of gold inflation that is caused by people playing 12 alts a week running them. Lost ark had this same problem where people felt like they had to play a mill of alts to keep up. They would also buy gold but they had the option to do it from the developers. I don’t think it’s going to be very long until we see Blizzard sponsored WoW tokens in this version of the game as well. And that’s when I will bid my final adieu to this game.


To answer the thread title:

They allow GDKPs because it will allow them to add the WoW token later when gold buying is the norm (It already is).

Anyone, and I mean anyone who is shilling or defending GDKPs are apart of the problem; and if they are not paid by Blizzard, they damn well should be.

An absolute disgrace. Many of these people are also the ones who will complain about bots and stuff as well.

Soooooo fkin funny.


Its exactly this. Private servers have more integrity then these servers. It really makes me sad.

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Like I said before, GDKPers are essentially crackheads here to defend their addiction. I can’t believe someone could seriously look me in the face and say it’s the superior way to play the game and ultimately good for the game. It’s literally the antithesis of how MMOs were originally designed to be played. GDKPs are mostly silent outside of the item auctions.

And the fact that Blizzard is completely nowhere to be found on the topic shows how far they have fallen.

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This is the SoD forum and I doubt they will bother to add it to a seasonal server that has a shelf life of approximately a year give or take.

So you talking about Era?
Because it’s unlikely there as well since most of the people sticking around there consistently have boisterously rejected it and devs have acknowledged that.

I could not have said it better myself. Well said.

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and the most popular servers on the site that rhymes with b q b right now are the “season” servers.

dont care
ban gdkps

It is. I don’t have to join a guild full of annoying people and then raid with 35 other annoying people. Just cuz you want everyone to be forced to be social just accept not everyone wants it to be.

yeah, because its not like every single gdkp requires discord or “no cut”

dont care
ban gdkps

They don’t lol I’ve done plenty Gdkps and not used discord

i know you have

dont care
ban gdkps

I’m tired of the community blaming itself, and being punished for blizzards unwillingness to stop RMT.

Why do we get punished with WoW tokens and GDKP bans. Blizzard lets RMT happen.

They don’t ban people who buy gold. They don’t have anyone employeed to detect and ban bots. Blizzard actually makes money from bots.

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