Why are you allowing GDKP in SoD?

I find this somewhat doubtful.
Not everyone raids - not by a longshot.
But almost everyone uses the auction house. Even scrubby poors* looking to power up.

*I’m pretty scrubby in SoD.

wow, imagine my shock. im sure everyone is doing that in the world. i see it all the time.

dont care
ban gdkps

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Well no the people who whine about not having gold on the forum aren’t.

everyone has gold. anyone with a brain is going to go into a gdkp and get their laundered gold

dont care
ban gdkps

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You would cap at about 1500-2k gold if you did EVERY single character slot.

Which people like Solheim just got 8 alts recently. And that’s nerding the game.

A person with any kind of life would not be able to do that. Is this game not for casuals?

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or they just go into a gdkp with those alts

dont care
ban gdkps


My hunter has 300g and all I did was resell vendor stuff lmfao.

Gdkp is the superior form of raiding for people like myself that don’t want to commit to a full roster raid team. I can farm my gold In game and raid any day of the week at anytime of the day and not have to adhere to arbitrary rules that a guild has in place for its raid members or whatever schedule they are running.

i trust you

dont care
ban gdkps


And you said inflation wasnt a thing in Wotlk a few months ago.

Don’t talk to me rodent.

your the one defending rmt laundering

dont care
ban gdkps

My dear man, you are losing it because I absolutely despise RMT/GDKPs you numb nuts.

So don’t? going into phase 2 with a couple hundred gold is more than enough to buy anything you’ll want.

I made a thread about how I did it and all.

Tldr I went to Desolace and followed the traveling kodo caravan north and south and at each of their 2 spots he summons a mechanical vendor.

The vendor up north sells the highest level mana and health potions we can use at 25, the vendor to the south sells the best scrolls we can use at this level.

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GL in Classic+ is all I got to say. IK how well Pagle is doing :wink:

And here I was thinking I’m scrubby!
I pretty much do easy stuff like that.
I have almost 200g each on both of my characters I play regularly.

You didnt play OG wrath. Ulduar if I remember correctly is when Gdkps became prevalent. People still do them in retail it’s just under a different name and it’s just instead of bidding you pay a lump sum of gold for a guild to carry you through a raid and you get all of the loot

Yeah exactly pagle’s fine.

Yea for filthy gold buyers :wink:

Right so your barrier of unreasonable for the average player is an hour or so of dailies a week.

Yeah no wonder you think a couple hundred gold is a lot.