Why are you allowing GDKP in SoD?

What’s funny is they seem to expect blizzard to police GDKP’s when blizzard can’t even be bothered to police botting which is actually bad for the game and currently against the TOC.

It’s pretty transparent the people whining about GDKP’s are just jealous of people who can make gold legitimately.


know which version doesnt have gdkps? retail. go play it.

dont care
they will never ban gdkps


Prove it…

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wow what a massive point

dont care
ban gdkps

You’re tunneling.
You may not like Drink but he’s correct.


what evidence do you have of this other than “I don’t like GDKPs aand this is how I feel, so it must be true”?

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And “TRUST ME BRO” is a better point?

Thats all you guys seem to have and i have debunked with screen shots most of it.

my brain

dont care
ban gdkps

I don’t know you look at AH prices on BoE blues recently?

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It’s always Crusader Strike.

Just reroll off that server if you hate GDKPs (and I mean this in the nicest way–that place is just doomed). I’m not even joking. Your community is way different than what everyone else is playing with.

because next phase is about to come out. phase 2 raid loot will go for 100g+

dont care
ban gdkps

That’s not a lot.

my mistake, 500g+. or is that still not alot for level 40? lol

dont care
ban gdkps

Well you just demonstrated you don’t play SoD if you don’t even know the basics of how much gold is a lot :stuck_out_tongue:

when you dont think 100g is a lot at a level 25 cap then you have demonstrated that you are buying gold or are participating in gold buying laundering (gdkps)

dont care
ban gdkps


They’re allowing it because it doesn’t go against the rules.

it allows them to justify putting in the wow token later/in future seasons

dont care
ban gdkps

It’s more that I can look at how much gold I have on a character I didn’t rush to level and have put zero effort into acquiring gold on and know that 100g is not a lot.

Botting is against the rules, people still bot and have been since before GDKP was a thing and Blizzard only bans after the damage has been done

Gold selling is against the rules, but people sell gold still and people buy gold and I don’t know what percentage of people get caught but it most certainly isn’t very high from reports.

Yet instead of focusing on these two vectors which are already against the rules and getting Blizzard to tighten the screws you want to ban something that is totally legitimate and can be done with totally legitimate gold.

Why? Because you hate the concept of GDKPs you don’t like the loot system rather then any of the potential botting or gold selling you claim supports it. You want PuGs to be MS/OS or Soft Res or whatever your prefered raid mode is and you hate it when you find a raid advertising for 1 more your spec/class but oh its a GDKP.

Get rid of Bots
Get rid of Gold sellers and buyers
Keep GDKPs

That idea doesn’t bother me in the least, hell maybe Ill get me a token.