i use my brain to deduce that obviously peopel are buying gold to get easy gear from gdkps
dont care
ban gdkps
i use my brain to deduce that obviously peopel are buying gold to get easy gear from gdkps
dont care
ban gdkps
Ah the goal post is shifting when you have nothing to stand on, everything you have said has been destroyed by me.
Thanks for playing.
So is your AH or any gold you trade with another player.
Well considering he conceded that the issue comes from botted gold, that should be enough.
Ah the goal post is shifting when you have nothing to stand on
i have more to stand on than someone who is defending their money laundering loot method
dont care
ban gdkps
i have more to stand on than someone who is defending their money laundering loot method
Im not defending the AH.
Im not defending the AH.
wow im shocked you equated a raid loot method with the auction house
dont care
ban gdkps
Im shocked you didn’t.
im aware
dont care
ban gdkps
Oh look my thieves mantle just sold for 400g, im sure they farmed it legit.
Those darn gdkps!
your sarcasm doesnt take away the fact that all rmters go into gdkps
dont care
ban gdkps
your sarcasm doesnt take away the fact that all rmters go into gdkps
your sarcasm doesnt take away the fact that all rmters go into the AH.
your sarcasm
im not being sarcastic at all
dont care
ban gdkps
I guess a stupid take isnt sarcasm, my fault.
Do you think Gdkp’s wouldnt exist if bots and gold buying was heavily monitored and punished? Bc i can tell you this. It for sure would exist m. The pots wouldnt be as big but gdkps would still be very popular.
a stupid take
it is stupid to be ignorant that all rmters go into gdkps
dont care
ban gdkps
GDKP is without doubt the main driver of RMT in SoD. There simply isn’t much of anything to spend gold on at level 25 otherwise.
This is true, but still misses the point imo… Bliz shouldn’t be removing the things people want to spend gold on. They should be banning bots & gold buyers. Zero tolerance.
Bliz shouldn’t be removing the things people want to spend gold on.
noone wants to spend 50 gold (that they farmed) on a green helm in the AH
dont care
ban gdkps
noone wants to spend 50 gold (that they farmed) on a green helm in the AH
Apparently they do.
Apparently they do.
they did not farm the gold
dont care
ban gdkps