Why are you allowing GDKP in SoD?

Nothing crazy to share here. Just the arts and time spent.

I’ll start: I have trained in Jiu Jitsu for 17 years. Boxed for 10. Was an undefeated MMA fighter. And have a black belt in two arts and two brown belts.

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Everybody trains in jiu jitsu

Yeah, and? GDKPs exist because of RMT. People are not showing up to raids for chump change. They’re only going to them because gold buyers make them extremely lucrative activities. You got it mixed. I’m not saying RMT exists only because of GDKP. Clearly not. But GDKPs ARE a huge source of income. Like people buying small amounts of gold or something aren’t winning bids on these big items. They have to spend a lot more gold so they buy a lot more so by extension it’s a larger customer base than people buying smaller gold. It should all be tackled. My point is that it’s a huge part of RMT existing. No one said it was some exclusive thing or something. Understand this. It’s part of the problem and it needs to go away.

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No, no they don’t. And most that do stop before blue belt.

And then the new “most” quit at blue.

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If everyone that was against GDKPs just reported the people posting them for boosting, the problem would solve itself. Automated systems and all, enough reports and the people advertising them will get banned. Easy solution.

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I mean jiu jitsu has really taken over for self-defense.

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As it should, it is the best art out there

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I agree I also think it’s the best form of defense for street fights

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Cope, projection and anger because you can’t adapt, someone told you real bad things and look I believe him man! My anecdotal experience is law! Youtube man has said so!!!

Not every gdkp is a max payout whaler. Most are trade chat runs were things barley sell. Just because YOU would buy gold, dosen’t mean everyone does.

It controls the chaos of a fight better than anything else, and that is ultimately martial arts. They are all attempts to control chaos.

Wrestling does an amazing job as well.

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Have you considered the actual two best forms of defense? :athletic_shoe: or :gun:?

GDKPs do not exist because of RMT for the reasons listed above. They serve multiple functional and valid uses and purposes beyond RMT.
GDKPs would absolutely continue to exist without any RMT whatsoever for those reasons.

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You keep saying I’m projecting about RMT and that I buy gold

Is that clear enough for you? You are repeatedly saying that because I dislike GDKPs it means that I’m actually the one buying gold. You repeatedly state it. Why lie when everyone can see your posts clear as day?

Oh that’s cute you learned a new phrase from Moola.

You had to to be able to afford anything on Whitemane. You literally couldn’t afford anything and by extension weren’t able to PVP or raid. You had to GDKP. It’s disgusting when the game gets to that state. It felt dirty. I know about these things because I’ve seen it first hand and I don’t want to see SoD go the same way. Like you’re kidding me right? I see 100% of the GDKPs demanding to inspect gold budgets so they can make sure they got a good pot on the way. They’re always gold buyers. They always have terrible mismatched random gear and suck at the game and nobody bats an eye because everyones just there to milk this dude for gold anyway and you’re like pretending to me that what I experienced for months on Whitemane wasn’t real. I know it’s real because I played the god damn game and it was disgusting what went on.

Green logs on whitemane btw. Grats on your WOTLK parses it’s dead af.

You couldn’t do jump runs? Couldn’t do coffer farms? Unable to level a mage or hunter? Interesting, show me on the doll where gdkp touched you.

You went to bad gdkps btw, not shocked at your lack of abilty to see that.

I mean, Whitemane’s economy is an RMT disaster.

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I’m pretty well aware the issue behind GDKPs is RMT. What made you think otherwise? This is why I want them gone lol.

I play the game and know well these are not baseless claims.

We’ll let the GMs find out. :slight_smile:

Yeah imagine thinking GDKPs aren’t fueled by gold buyers. No instead it’s 5 people who all ran DME jump runs 50,000 times each. That’s totally grounded in reality yeah.

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In other words you want to treat a symptom, not the cause. I hope you don’t work in the medical industry