By tackling GDKPs you would eliminate an avenue in which people boost for gold that comes from gold buyers which is botted. If GDKPs cease to exist, there will be less incentive to buy gold. Less gold sold. Less botting. It’s part of the solution.
And you are nobody and your take doesn’t matter. It’s allowed enough to not be bannable.
Wow how do you know so much about RMT?
We’ll let the GMs find out.
Who are you?
You are a random dude on the forums, like me.
Each of us sharing an opinion. Mine just happens to have a touch of decency
If it was a requirement to RMT in order to understand it, then you too, are guilty of RMT by that same logic.
Don’t go more stupid on me.
Also I can prove where I got my lone wolf gold from unlike you I keep screenshots for receipts for days like this.
Remember I said I farmed the desolace caravan and resold what those vendors sold
My opinions are based on tangible fact.
You literally just started to speculate that something Blizzard already has a stance on, is some weird new thing that needs to be thought about, despite it already being said in this thread multiple times.
That’s the difference between us.
Staying on topic isn’t ‘dismissing all other aspects of RMT’.
Staying on topic isn’t ‘having your wow personality be anti gdkp’.
It’s ironic you say that when you refuse to admit GDKPs are funded by gold buyers.
No one cares about your actual hustle.
It is the bit where you admitted to trading WoTLK gold and bringing it into SoD.
Banning GDKPS:
- RMT continues to exist
- RMT likely doesn’t even slow down, because plenty of people value their time at a higher rate than can be achieved in-game
- Solo and pug players lose an avenue of content
- Already geared players have zero incentive to continue doing the content, which helps players who aren’t yet
- Players with no interest in farming or have funky server economies lose a reliable gold income source
Banning gold-buyers rather than the slap-on-the-wrist that buying gold is:
- Actually reduces RMT
- Negates the negative feedback loop of gold-buying and GDKPs while allowing GDKPs to serve functional purpose
The relationship between GDKPs and RMT is not causal. GDKPs would exist without RMT, and RMT would be chugging along without GDKPs. I have zero interest participating in GDKPs, but I can recognize that they can serve more than one useful and valid purpose in the game, not least of which keeping content relevant.
Anything with gold can be from rmt thank you Captain obvious
You defend GDKPs which are seeded by gold buyers. The ‘projection’ word doesn’t really work when it’s something you’re actually just admitting to.
I didn’t speculate.
I said it is despicable and gross.
What are you even talking about?
But it is, when you people make up lies all the time for your narrative because you know you benefit from RMT by proxy, and don’t want that gone. You focus exclusively on gdkps because you personally don’t like them. We’ve been over this.
Because it isn’t. The gold buyers in a gdkp are obvious, you’d know if you went into one.
Before you accuse me, again, yes, I do report them even just off of suspicion.
My point flew over your head like a rocket headed for the space station
So did mine
uh huh
You guys have an obsession with lying.