Why are you allowing GDKP in SoD?

You’re sad, my dude.

You have basically admitted to being a part of this problem and you stick your chest out like it is a good, laudable thing.


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Because most gold buyers aren’t dropping their monthly earnings solely on wow gold.

The most common RMT is for the AH, and other small items. People are afraid and buy small.

You just see an oil prince buy a ring and trial and then go “yep thats every gdkp”

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Ahhhh so you have experience with getting banned for RMT. I’m glad we’re getting this side to it. Thank you for exposing yourself. You know, you can just talk to people like you long enough and you always come out with the truth. Vile just under the surface.


Did I say on launch??

I main on Lone Wolf where I farmed the 250g I have, some of my homies are on Living Flame so I started a warrior there and I’m not famring gold on their too so I took my wotlk gold to the wow marketplace discord and traded 30k wotlk gold for 100g on living flame to 1 person and again to another.

Where did I violate any TOS or rules?

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So do you, by dismissing all other aspects of RMT while making your entire wow personlity anti-gdkp under the basis of being anti-rmt.

It’s pathetic that you people don’t wake up to reality.

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Nope, I know people who did and still do.

Again, more projection from you.

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Never said it was the only reason, brother.

You said I said that. But if you look, I never did.

Go ahead, quote me.

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You guys are truly…gross.


Don’t need to, it’s the stance the average anti-gdkp player makes. You could have easily talked about rmt as a whole, but no, you also only want to fixate on gdkps.

This isn’t my first rodeo with your kind.

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“It’s okay that I’m participating in something that involves RMT because I’m pretending to be ignorant of where that gold came from”
You don’t have to repeat yourself. We’ve heard you say this dozens of times already.


Well, I’d agree with this given I played during Grobbulus 2019 but GDKP’s are like a part of the whole issue. They SHOULD hit EVERY issue. And GDKP’s would be a good start into each part. No RMT no Goldbuying no GDKP’s. Just play the game, do MS>OS or Roll or whatever. Be a community! It’s much better than dancing with gold in my opinion. Maybe in some time once they deeply get rid of the gold buying root it’ll be better to do a GDKP but until then. I don’t want them anymore.


Show me where the gold came from then.

If you can prove it was from a bot I’ll report myself

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I can literally quote myself, in this thread, responding to you, that they need to be banned, and it was unprompted.

I’m used to trash cans lying about me, you need to do better than that.

Edit: One was even my friend. I told him I reported him. Anyone who has to buy gold is pathetically awful at this game. You’d realize that about me when I told Knoland I only play for parsing.


You recognize that trading from WoTLK - a game with WoW tokens - to SoD - a game without the tokens - can be entirely from RMT, right?


GDKPs exist now, and involve huge sums of gold and you’re pretending like out of ANYTHING people could spend their gold on in game, they aren’t going into GDKPs. Wow.

Blizzard already has their stance on this. Its not supported if you’re scammed, but not bannable either.

Keep up.

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I don’t care if it is bannable.

It is despicable


yes. it’s actually quite funny. mantle of thieves is a great example. sells for 500g today, sold for 400-600g in 2007. check wowhead comments :heavy_check_mark:

whats changed is for the instant gratification crowd wow is more within reach than ever, so the old system of delayed gratification and saving to spend is found widespread as outrageous™

No, I spend my gold in gdkps.

Your stance is not that though. Your stance is people buy gold so much and so exclusively for gdkps that removing gdkps would remove RMT.

It won’t. At all.

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You’re so cool Moola, thanks for showing up you’re actually my hero here.