I can promise you, you aren’t bankrolling enough in your pockets to afford the big ticket items.
But sure, go buy gold and find out that Im saying the truth lmao
I can promise you, you aren’t bankrolling enough in your pockets to afford the big ticket items.
But sure, go buy gold and find out that Im saying the truth lmao
Goblin rogue named Moola? This tracks, knows where the money is so I trust your judgement.
These people just wanna put across disingenuous arguments and pretend like what we all see day to day isn’t the case because they themselves have their hand in the honey pot. It is so plain to see.
Neither is 95% of the game. Because they’re not buying gold like your customers are.
That is why a lot of people buy gold and funnel them into GDKPs. Over time, everyone amasses immense gold, most of which entered the economy via RMT.
Simple stuff man.
Just more projection. You understand that there is nothing more to buy when at this point, so where do you think the gold goes. It gets hoarded. Each week, if someone wants to buy gold to compete, they have to progressively buy more and more to compete with someone who isn’t spending.
But thats not in your day to day, because your day to day consists of watching youtube videos of gdkps.
It’s funneled through every means RMT can be funneled through. You people fixate on the one oil prince, forgetting the bads like yourself buy small amounts and go to the AH with it. The latter is far more common.
“You’re demanding they put a stop to a system which allows RMT to thrive more than it ever has, but YOU’RE actually the gold buyer”
Am I arguing with a 5 year old or what?
There is enough here to warrant reporting him, imo
No shot he hasnt violated ToS.
I think the best bet is to just ignore this person. They are clearly angry, mean, and hostile. And nothing productive can come from this. From that point I’ll have to agree in general that GDKP’s are bad, it’s a simple circle like I said. GDKP’s encourage bad behavior in this game now. I’m just glad I don’t buy any gold myself, I love playing this game as is. And heavily discourage gold buying. I’d like to think I’m pretty good but overall I don’t care. I have fun and have raided the BFD raid multiple times.
No, mong. You keep obsessing over a single aspect of RMT, assuming that alone will fix the RMT issue. It won’t. It won’t even curb it. It’d just go back to paying the guild itself real money, and the RMT goes fully back into the AH, full steam ahead.
You’re just too dense.
Oh no, I’ll be back in a month lmao
Same with blinkndrink. He literally admitted to trading WOTLK gold for SOD gold. Sorry, gold on launch? What? Where did that come from huh? Clear as day it was botted. Report them.
He made fun of me and my friend ironically I’m on the spectrum which really sucks…
You never did this, did you? Doesn’t benefit your narrative so you dismissed it entirely.
It would certainly curb it. And it would curb it a great deal.
There is no reason to suspect otherwise
Which Blizzard has stated to not support, but no disallow either.
Yall reach every day.
Yeah, thats why Blizz put in the authenticator right? To prevent the rampant RMT (you know, the record breaking account thefts) for gdkps.
No wait, it was for everything but gdkps because it didn’t exist.
inb4 culture change from the other mong in here that I already addressed and then they ignored.
GDKP involves massive amounts of gold being bidded on items. You’re not REALLY pretending like that isn’t a huge reason to buy gold?
I don’t think that’s actually the case. Gold buying existed long before GDKPs did, and would continue long after GDKPs are forcefully banned, if they get banned.
Gold buying didn’t spring into the ether with the advent of GDKPs, and isn’t reliant on GDKPs to continue being a thing.
Stronger policing of RMT solves or at least mitigates both the inherent issues with RMT, and also solves or mitigates the problems RMT and GDKPs cause in combination, while allowing GDKPs to serve their purpose as an avenue for solo or pug players or even as a means to generate gold income for doing content, which also gives already-geared players a reason to continue doing content, which should always be encouraged.