Why are you allowing GDKP in SoD?

I haven’t, it’s more projection from you.

It’s funny how I requoted it, and you tripled back down on this very specific path.

It’s almost like you don’t actually care about RMT, and just don’t like gdkps.

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Oh I’m not saying you buy gold. I’m saying you’re defending an activity which is inherently tied with RMT. People buy big amounts of gold to win bids on items they want. The “I actually did DME jump runs for my 300,000 gold” excuse is getting just a bit stale now.

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Oh we’ll let the GMs find out the rest.


This sentence means, from your perspective, that anyone who wants RMT gone is dumb when they buy gold, and you are attempting to say that I am disingenuous in my stance about being anti-RMT because you think I buy gold for gdkps.

So yes, you did.

Hyperbolic BS and cope. Ban them. Ban the buyers too.

I, got my gold legit, and I sit back and watch you trashcans worship gold because you lack any and all ability to play this game at a basic level.

You are not interested in seeing RMT removed, just gdkps, because you know you benefit from bots flooding the AH with cheap mats that you buy, and you’re too pathetic of a player to afford their normal price in bulk for your raids.

So you don’t want RMT and bots gone, you’re fighting a roster boss, and players like me are leaving for gdkps because for whatever reason they have for leaving your guild, right? That’s why you’re so fixated on gdkps. You’re using RMT as a shield because “the good players left my guild and im sad” just isnt a good argument, is it.

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I was being sarcastic, it was a bit of ribbing my friend but you’re here calling people slurs and all.

Let me clarify what my friend Khanzy here is pointing out. If you guys were being genuine you wouldn’t start off with “Mad and bad”. GDKP’s are a product of gold buying. Why are GDKP’s bad? Because it takes advantage of gold buying and bots. It’s a full circle. First, it starts at botting, which farms gold then gets purchased by a gold buyer. The gold buyer, now mind you, you guys have flip flopped between. “Bad players do gdkp’s.” and “Good players do gdkp’s” is a little bit silly. So let’s pretend good players do GDKP’s by your logic. Why do a gdkp instead of just a MS>OS what reason is there not to do it by DKP and Loot council? It’s because gold circulation encourages taking advantage of other people buying gold. You yourself are in a circle of buying gold whether you know it or not and either A. Are taking advantage of it, or B. Are buying gold yourself. Nobody who buys gold admits to it. So from that point, a GDKP is a glorified betting arena. But let’s be honest here the flipping nature of your responses don’t warrant that GDKP’s are for good players are they. They’re for bad players, the reality is you then take a bad player and carry them, you don’t say they’re bad, in fact, you don’t even call them that. To most GDKP’s they’re called “Buyers” IE: “We got a buyer guys!!!” So, when they purchase gear like this, they’re under a pretense that gear will fully carry them through. They’ll then start to sell carries of level boosting because they’re a fully geared mage to people who, you guessed it, purchased gold.

This doesn’t even go into the other reasons as to “Why” someone would join a GDKP instead of just playing with friends, actual friends not some guild mates. It really begs the question, what reason do YOU to do a GDKP through Discord have than to do a normal guild run? Why use gold because you need to give it to players who don’t have gold? Couldn’t you help a guildmate fund certain things. Or perhaps it’s greed itself. Sitting atop a pile of money to not use. It’s strange really, you continue to get nastier and nastier under a pretense of… “You’re mad and bad” Yes, here I am confused and sad. I’m sorry I ribbed your name like that but be real. It doesn’t warrant such inflammatory comments like that. Next time, come into this conversation with a more open mind.

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If you were being genuine, you wouldn’t start off with this either.

Skill diff. I dont care for your cope. You wanted heat, you got it, coward.

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A response speed like that just proves what I said… You’re only here to argue and be nasty. I’m so sorry for you. Please, do better.

This is a vanilla account, I have never been banned or even suspended.

Still waiting.

I argue in facts and evidence you all argue in assumptions and what ifs.

I post screenshots as evidence to debunk what you guys say and then when i do you all disappear.

Where did Shadows go when I posted the screen shots of the AH prices

Where did that other dude go when he told me crusader strike was nothing but gdkp spam so I went there and linked on here 6 full connected chat windows of trade and LFG chat and not a single gdkp spam was on there?

Your side has been losing for 5 years now.

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Tackling a part of the RMT problem seems pretty contradictory to what someone buying gold would want.

It means that someone who buys gold wouldn’t be tackling things that are advantageous to a gold buyer. The rest of of that stuff you just spewed is just you having terrible reading comprehension. You’re the one accusing me of gold buying and I was defending my stance. That it would be DUMB for someone buying gold to want to do away with something that they can spend their gold on. You have terrible reading comprehension and I suggest you fix that before you make another 2000 posts.

I want them both gone. Just because you’re too thick to realise that we’re discussing GDKPs specifically in the ‘GDKP DISCUSSION THREAD’ is not an indication that I don’t want RMT in general gone. You really need to think before you spam out these posts. You are embarrassing.

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No, I was here to discuss gdkps, but your 70iq when warm buddy wants to focus on everything but the topic. Hence the name calling. I don’t tolerate the chomie homies.

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You said reading comprehension, type that, when this is what I said.

This has been the entire conversation. I say something, you say something not correct in response.

You people are pathetic.

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An insult of someones intellect? And an undersided ableist comment? Well ironically I am on the Spectrum. So you should really step back. You’re mean, nasty, and have no place here with an attitude like that.

Good. /10char

This only validates my opinions.

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We’re specifically discussing GDKP. So as a matter of fact I am focusing on the thread. Meanwhile your side wants to strawman and make out like because there’s a larger issue (RMT) we can’t look at individual parts and discuss them. You make out like when I only talk about GDKP (the point of the thread) I’m ‘ignoring RMT and am actually a gold buyer too’. Yet in the same breath here you are insisting that if we talk about anything else we’re ‘off topic’. Which is it? You’re deranged.

No reason to argue with this person. They’ve made themselves clear and are an inflammatory bigot. Just the worst.

Yes… actually it is …

Because gdkp, is, at its core, an auction based loot system. I’ve done gdkps with just my friends and my friends alone because SR sucks. It can exist, easily, without RMT, since RMT was never a requirement.

But you people believe it is, and that’s the core of the issue.

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You are the one who replied to me.

Also, didn’t in your second post to me, without me even acknowledging you, say I also have no friends? You have multiple posts swinging at me and then want to be defensive when I swing back?

Yeah, I stand by this.

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the problem with GDKP is the majority of people who use it buy gold. if you remove GDKP then you remove a lot of the reason to buy gold, in this way I am all for removing of GDKP’s. that and i am tbh an elitist and i hate the idea of people buying gear in any way shape or form which this is


No. What GDKPs do in reality is increase the odds of people swiping their card.

That’s it.

Find the gold sink, find the buyers.

Gdkps are the gold sink AND the loot. This is so obviously the problem.